Discussion: Trump Spells Out How He Would Make Mexico Pay For The Border Wall

Caitlin it is $24 billion in remittances not million


I would ask if this is legal. Or ask if this means that wire transfer companies would then have to “vet” the citizenship of the customer. Or ask how that money that would have been sent somehow magically ends up in the federal budget, or… …never mind


if this is how Donnie Dimwit does business it’s no wonder he’s had to file so many bankruptcies…

spend $5-10 billion for access to $24 million? that sounds like a good idea…


the 24 million is a typo it is 24 billion. Still a dumb ass idea.


Let’s see. What could little, defenseless Mexico do in response to supergenius Donald Trump? Oh, how about…
A.) Forbid any Mexican citizens from going into the U.S. as migrant workers, helping to destroy the farm economy since the American farms could never find enough workers to do that kind of labor at such lousy wages. Yes, I’m sure Americans will just love paying $9.00 a pound for tomatoes - and not just at Whole Foods anymore.
B.) What’s to stop the government of Mexico from cozying up to Russia and China or any other nation that the U.S. government isn’t exactly thrilled about? Remember Cuba in the early 1960s, Donald? Gee, I wonder how much China would pay the government of Mexico for the chance to build an air force base in Tijuana?


The candidacy of Trump has done more to destroy whatever progress in race relations made in the last 40 years than any candidacy I can think of.


None of this matters because the type of wall he is talking about is technically impossible. If it was possible someone would have done it by now.


If this ever came to pass, someone would make a mint in non-wire transfers of money.


The YOOOOOOOOOOGE Wall of Drumpfuckistan

Much classier than the Great Wall of China


Or the people involved could just buy money orders and mail them.


This proposal is actually more sophisticated than I expected. I figured he was going to put a tax on all sales of tacos and enchiladas, being ignorant of the fact that a large majority of such sales are of products made here and sold by American citizens and permanent residents.

As for curbing remittances, it would take about a minute for someone to ste up a system where remittances are sent to a third country (Cuba, anyone?) and then to Mexico. And that’s just one way around his lamebrain idea.


It’s also a telling indication of how he sees the world. Everything boils down to figuring out a way to make someone else pay for his bad ideas. That’s been his business model for years, and in his eyes, everything fits into the same mold.


For every ten feet higher the wall is built, the tunnels will be dug ten feet deeper. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


This shows an incredible lack of understanding of immigrant communities, Mexican or otherwise. They don’t live in walled off area’s wearing big white, green and red Mexican flags sewn onto their sleeves. They live among us, living in neighborhoods that include legal immigrants, as well as first and second generation children of immigrants.

They will find a legal resident to wire the money for them. Actually,this will almost certainly create another business opportunity for the Mexican gangs he claims to hate so much.

Thanks for producing another revenue stream for criminals Donald!


Hillary Clinton had the best reply in regards to keeping terrorists out. How tall does a fence have to be to keep the internet out?


This sounds like a successful small government idea.



Trump would propose a rule that would require proof of legal residence in the U.S. in order to send a wire transfer. Trump claimed that Mexico receives $24 million in remittances from individuals in the U.S. each year and that “the majority of that amount comes from illegal aliens.” However, the Washington Post noted that the $24 million figure used by Trump reflects how much Mexico receives from all foreign countries, not just the U.S.

Trump wrote in his memo that if Mexico agreed to make a $5-10 billion payment to the U.S. for the wall, he would not finalize the rule limiting wire transfers.

Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, spelled out this tactic in his February statement endorsing Trump, and the Post noted that Trump’s memo echoed tactics proposed by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who has endorsed Trump.

First, I assume that $24 Million is a typo for $24 Billion - if only because Mexico could probably replace $24 Million by just asking Carlos Slim HelĂş to give them the change under his couch cushions.

Second, I’ll repeat the same observation I made when Kobach first spewed this fuckwittery:


20th Century Reagan: Tear down that wall.
21st century Reagan: We want to be protected by walls around us.


Or ask if undocumented immigrants might find other methods of transferring money, like, oh, I don’t know, maybe Paypal or sending a letter in the mail with a check or money order enclosed?