OK I missed something. Trump is having these dinners but not inviting Muslims…but inviting the people that control the Muslims? WHY…
So is this “white washing”? They couldn’t come up with one conservative Republican Muslim?
He probably served bacon, too.
Did they serve cold Fast-Food to the attendees?
Robert McCaw:
“I think it’s ridiculous that Trump holds an Iftar the same day he openly attacks a Muslim member of Congress with false accusations of anti-Semitism.”
Says it all.
Snubbing American Muslims, feature not bug.
Message to base, I’m your guy.
Were Trump’s Arabic friends invited?
Good question.
It’s amazing someone so bloated can also be such a small man.
Dubya got this right. Dubya. Sad commentary on the current occupant.
I wonder if Franklin Graham spewed out the opening prayer?
Are there any Muslims in the US that would even go? I’m not sure this is so much a snub as a “preemptive strike” to avoid the embarrassment of Muslims turning down the invite. An oblique snub, perhaps.
No self respecting American Muslim would validate the virulently anti Muslim Trump regime by attending any WH event.
“The President hosted an Iftar dinner at the White House for Ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps representing countries with trump hotels and golf courses. I mean! With significant Muslim populations!”
According to White House sources, the menu included wine, beer, roast pork chops, ribs, and shell fish.
It’s high time Donald got to host a holiday celebration for his own religion – greed. I’m sure Melania’s interior designer could do something really stunning with golden calves, and maybe Louise Mnuchin would bring some sheets of $1,000 bills to deck the halls.
No need to change the usual guest list.
How is this thing president of the United States? It is still quite impossible for me to wrap my mind around it.