Go to Amazon and just type Trump into the search bar. Trump should be paying Bezo.
except for the Trump pinatas - that just has win all over it!
I’m surprised TheRealLucifer is going after business competitors so quickly.
Imagine a President Trump poking around your operation, Mr. CEO, wanting to “help” you be as successful as he is.
Are Washington Post reporters doing their job and finding the truth about Trump? Are we seeing media doing their job? Bring it on. I have a feeling they are doing this to all the candidates, one is thin skinned and has a lot to hide.
What else would you expect from don the con?
Jesus, just because CNN cries “yes, Daddy! More, more!” when you smack the shit out of it doesn’t mean the rest of the MSM is going to follow along.
But notice how thoroughly and quickly the Murdoch crime empire fell into line.
So much for that 1st Amendment.
He couldn’t afford it, I’m thinking.
Bezos hasn’t had to put Amazon through bankruptcy.
“He’s worried about me,” Trump added. “He thinks I would go after him
for antitrust because he’s got a huge antitrust problem because he’s
controlling so much.”
Trump who is invested in or controls several hundred companies isn’t one to call the kettle black…
And by now we should be familiar with his famous thin skin and penchant for lashing out. Doing what he himself intimates is familiar to me. It’s some thing Nixon did and look how he ended up with that sort of behavior…
Just the same way the Obamas planted the fake birth notice in the Honolulu paper so that their foreign son could someday be POTUS. Prescience people! His word salad rivals Palin’s and I didn’t that was possible.
Link to article:
Trump’s style is to intimidate people into not cross-examining him, because they know he will counterpunch with an embarrassing factoid of sleaze, viz. Warren (American Indian heritage) and Stephanopoulos (Clinton Foundation contribution). But Warren has shown the way to cope with this: overwhelm him with a Denial of Service attack, using a barrage of punches to throw him into an unending spasm of counter-attack.
Sure wish we had some REAL journalists around covering Trump instead of just blindly repeating every charge/claim he makes. Jeesh. Maybe the Post really SHOULD go after Trump before he changes all the libel laws to prevent any criticism of The President… Where’s Ben when we really need him…
Shouldn’t surprise us. If Clinton had an outwardly racist and sexist butler for 30 years we’d hear about it non-stop. If she herself had been an outward racist for the past 7.5 years we would have heard about it non-stop and if she had, repeatedly, shown herself to be non-Presidential and a bigot and sexist during her campaign she would have been driven out of the nomination and politics by the Press. But not Donald Trump, the media is in love with that man and he won’t go away until he breaks up with every last one of them and they go through the grieving process of their loss.
Gee, ain’t capitalism great, Mr. Trump? Guess Bezos beat you to it. Seriously, what is he talking about? Yes, we have a flawed tax policy that is ripe for overhaul but legal tax avoidance is still legal. If Trump desires different outcomes he could argue for a policy change. As to political influence through the media, ask the McCormicks and Sheldon Allison, a couple of examples that come immediately to mind.
Summary version:
Keep talking about tax evasion & tax fraud.
Keep talking about shady business practices.
Keep talking about money subverting the political process.
Keep talking about businesses corrupting our Democracy.
Keep talking about all of these things, Donnie boy. Loudly. And don’t stop.
When you have time between all that, take a few moments to release your tax returns. And make sure to list all your citations in the Panama papers. But, then … that’s really pretty much the same thing, isn’t it?
Every news organization in the world should assign ten reporters to comb through the Panama papers and trace everything tRump. And keep sending requests for all his tax returns to correlate all the data points.
Amazing how detached from reality he is. Making veiled threats against the Post’s owner and editors will surely stop them from saying mean things. Hahahahhaha…
“I will be the most litigious president ever. My lawsuits will be beautiful. I will have the best lawsuits. Nobody does lawsuits like Trump, I tell ya.”
I’m no fan of Bezos, much less The Post, but a “crackdown” on the press?
Paging Mr. Putin- white courtesy phone please.