Okay, so are we keeping score? We’ve got North Korea, Venezuela, China… Anybody know if Palau has done anything to require military options to be on the table yet?
The wörds: Yellow Peril
Trump’s emerging Foreign Policy would divide the world on racial lines. Trump’s re-alignmment of international alliances with the worlds two white nations - US and Russia against China, is a photocopy of German Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II’s alliance of eight white nations, including Russia Great Britain and France. They invaded China in 1897, ransacked Beijing and divided China among them. A cartoon at the time showed Queen Victoria, Czar Nicholas, Kaiser Wilhelm and other leaders seated round the Yellow Peril cake or China ready to cut it.
Trump routinely delivered anti non-white pronouncements during his election campaign to the sound of enthusiastic applause. He built a platform of white identity. politics, around villainization of non-white Asians in particular.
Trump mocks Asians, using broken English and said, “When Asian negotiators enter a room they don’t say hello, instead they say deal. Trump’s bigoted rhetoric and abusive racist remarks are not new. “He is only distilling racial discrimination that existed from the 19th century Europe and America”. Observes sociologist, Jonathan Alter noted in the Daily Beast “Trump’s thinking about Asia is rooted in the tradition of Yellow Peril xenophobia. In Beijing, Lijia Zhang, a young journalist told Pilgers in 2016, “The idea of Yellow Peril has not left them”. Pilgers’ documentary records this fear of Yellow Peril with such evidence.
The action comes as the United States has been seeking help from China to curb North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons.
And Rump is saying that the way to get that help is by looking into how many steps they can take against China regarding trade??? I mean - I just…
When asked why it took him so long to condemn the hate groups by name, Trump did not say “I did condemn them,” but used the passive voice to distance himself from directly associating himself. instead he said, “They were condemned, they were condemned.” I call that a huge loophole.
I don’t think he’s given up on Iran.
Did he need an Executive Order for this? He can’t just have a note sent to them from the WH?
I believe Trump has a childish need to “show his work.” I am sick and tired of him signing one of these moronic executive orders, then showing his buffoonish signature to those assembled in the room.
Surprised about the lack of context indicating how pathetic it is for him to have it printed up on the Very Important Document Paper and bound in the Very Serious Document Binder and holding a signing ceremony on something like this.
So the one country that has any significant interaction / influence on North Korea? That “Jina”?
Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot (again & again), oh Mango Mussolini…
Or is this just a cry for help?
Trump is signing (and parading) his Executive Orders again. It is his form of masturbation.
Like a kindergardner holding up a finger painting. A shitty finger painting, and staring down mommy to say he’s a little genius.
Good I think Chin is flooding the tiki torch market to prepare for more rallies.
God I wish he knew he was a fuck up! and should be taken out…of office not literally taken out…wink wink nod nod.
Chinese to Trump (mockingly): “We shut down Ivanka shoe factory, velly bad for us.”
I was wondering about that. It may well be a sensible thing to do, but making it loudly public and all about him at this particular time seems tone-deaf at best.
Meanginless distraction.
“…executive action that asks his trade office to explore a possible investigation…”
If this weak sauce was any weaker it would be called filtered water.
Thank you for the link. Like x 1,000.
That’s so powerful…and weighty…and meaningful.
If China doesn’t start helping Trump with North Korea, he’s going to send his NeoNazis to Tiananmen Square during a holiday festival…with their cars.
I wonder who will knock off Trump first, Kim, Xi or Vladimir? The Republicans won’t act against this rich slob till after nuclear winter has fallen across the planet.