But , but , Donny promised a Nuclear War . What a nasty man , he CANNOT keep his promises .
Along with his other problems, tramp must suffer from directional issues. He sent this request to the US Congress, when he insists that Mexico will pay for it. The Mexican government is in Mexico City, Not Capitol Hill, DC. Poor little Donnie! So sad!!!
Vicente Fox guffaws.
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They need to remind the public that Trump guaranteed that Mexico was going to pay for the Wall, so not one red cent of taxpayers money should go to it.
The pharaohs had their pyramids, and so Trump insists upon getting his wall … no matter the cost or who pays for it.
¿Donde esta el dinero, el jefe?
Yep, just hire the wall-builders and bill the Mexicans. That outta work, no? Well, Donald Trump has a rich history of stiffing workers.
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