I’m guessing this has more to do with stopping Venezuela sending fuel over there. It would be hard to be so anti-Venezuelan if they are sending you humanitarian support.
Chad thought about offering help, but having been freshly informed they’re one of the most dangerous nations on the planet they’ve reconsidered.
He’d better hope the WH staff has already called the majority of big shippers 1st! The media one can bet is searching them out right now. Whatta fool!
My theory is all this goes back to the GOP primary. Dotard got a whopping 13% of the vote in the Puerto Rican Republican Primary, getting trounced by Little Marco. I believe that was Dotard’s worst performance in a Primary. To a normal President that would be water under the bridge, but for this sadistic narcissist it could be the most important thing. While it might not be the only reason he’s acted so ineptly, he could be part of it.
Oh. Ok then. in hadn’t considered the importance of the shipping industry’s concerns vis-a-vis people dying because they don’t have food, water, electricity, or medical care. Thanks for clearing that up Two Scoops.
WHO, Donald? WHO in the “shipping industry” doesn’t want emergency supplies to get to Puerto Rico? Give names. WHO? Otherwise, Donald, you’re just pulling this excuse out of your ass like a fifth grader caught in a lie.
Well, the good news is that an American ship will be arriving in Puerto Rico with relief aid next Tuesday: The USS Dotard.
He’s a stone cold racist. Nuff said.
You want a name!!?? OK, here’s a name!! Manny Peeple. There, asshole!!!
If American shippers are going to get in the way of delivering emergency aid to American people, then the whole point of the Jones act goes out the window. It means the “American” shipping industry is Anti-American.
Let’s find some ships that actually do want to deliver relief supplies.
Exactly. Humanitarian crisis where the waiver can be revisited.
Excuse me for doubting you, Cheeto Maximus.
Isn’t the Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao (aka Mrs. Mitch McConnell) part of a wealthy family that is in shipping? Hmmmmm.
You win the internet for today.
Please give me the names of the shipping companies that are objecting and how much they receive in tax breaks and subsidies.
Possibly Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation, whose family fortune is from shipping. I would bet more in his Cabinet have shipping interests. Maybe even Cheetolini himself.
But this will surely fuel anti-American sentiment in Latin America.
That would be putting people above profit. No member of the GOP, and certainly not Trump, would ever support that. Unless, of course, the people are in a red state.
Please continue, Mr. Shaub!