Discussion for article #246535
Is it wrong to enjoy this so much?
Or to quote a Christie flunky… “is it wrong I’m smiling?”
If you’re a penguin being insulted, yeah.
No. And say what you will, the guy is a phenomenon.
Or is that phenom? I’m enjoying this spectacle so much I get confused sometimes.
“Number one, when you walk into a state you cannot walk like a penguin. He walked like a penguin. I said this is a problem,” Trump said.
Christ, the Republicans are going nominate everybody’s crazy aunt to run for President.
He’s destroying the GOP one day at a time.
I’m grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat.
This from the guy with orange skin and some sort of flaccid animal pelt on his head.
And probably defeating Cruz in Cruz’s adopted state in the process. Latest 2 polls in Texas show them tied. A month ago, Cruz had a 20 point lead; last week an 8 point lead. If Cruz doesn’t win with 50.1% of the primary vote, the delegates are split proportionally.
I…never noticed Romney’s walk.
Should I have?
Nah. He’s a looser.
Since he’s already alienated all but the most ignorant people in the country, he may as well start on alienating the animal kingdom, species by species.
Elephants next!
Really, he’s got to be trolling the whole party with this stuff, isn’t he? Does he even care about the presidency? Or is November just way beyond his attention span?
Who cares - this is shaping up to be the best election ever! Entertaining, and good for you!
Taking the Freude in my Schaden to a whole new level.
“Number one, when you walk into a state you cannot walk like a penguin. He walked like a penguin. I said this is a problem,” Trump said. “Somebody tell him take some steps. Romney turned out to be a disaster.”
voices from audience
Help! 8 more months of wall to wall Trump