Once again, the Asshole-elect shows his prowess as an asshole. Sad.
“How can we not do this after promising it for years?”
The same way you do everything, dickheads. Lie about it, blame liberals, and move on to your next destructive outrage.
McConnell has used this feature/bug to great advantage over the years.
The Republicans profess that they are the party of “personal responsibility.” That’s hilarious!
He was at a dinner with a few Republican senators, where he was telling them that they would look like “dopes” if they could not pass the legislation, per Politico.
True, that…
Most Republicans were loyal …
To Russia?
Not once does he suggest its lack of support due to a lack of LEADERSHIP…
Trump called McCain (a vote he’d need) a “crusty” voice in Washington, and McCain came back with that statement last night.
You don’t even have 51 Donny, and 'ol Mitch has already told you he’s not going to kill the legislative filibuster.
Somebody should pick one of Trump’s strategies so that he can be a leader.
Trump is at his best when making excuses.
Man, good thing we have such a great (really the best, people tell me) deal-maker in the White House.
I literally don’t understand why trump buildings don’t just fall down on a daily basis.
They gave him the comic book version, but his attention span was so short he never made it past the first few lines, in spite of the colors and shapes.
Probably because there wasn’t anything about him in there.
Personality Disorder. Bigly
Granted, he’s not the brightest bulb in the basket either, but that’s secondary to his blinding narcissism and paranoia.
He’s Mafia. Not sympathetic Sopranos TV show style. Ugly stupid thug style. Real reality.
Trump needs to be impeached. This whole Trump and Republican mission to take away healthcare from Americans is tearing our nation apart. He is a totally insane Hitler like personality. He needs to go. Impeach!
Trumpcare plays into #trumprussia and #trumprussia plays into Trumpcare.
Big things in DC don’t get done without Presidential support. He has been useless on Trumpcare because of #trumprussia. The fact that he is scaring the crap out of people on Tumpcare is getting a lot of soft supporters and Indies to take the #trumprussia allegations more seriously.
That he is even speaking on ‘repeal now, replace never’ means that it is likely to fail.
Trump is a cottonheaded ninnymuggins.