Hi is lazy…a lazy piece of shit. Silver spooned inheritance and not paying taxes and dodging serving in the military due to flat feet or a corn on his foot.
It’s all about the free advertising.
Also, he’s aware on a very real level that the NYC elite tolerates him at best and despises him intensely at worst. He’s no longer at a point in his mental capacity that he can tolerate anything less than slavish devotion. NY went for Clinton; FL went for Rump. Ultimately, I believe that’s all that he needs to know in addition to the fact that I’m positive that NY leaders such as Cuomo, DeBlasio and even Bloomberg have chewed his ass to pay for the expenses he’s incurring here.
Our President tells multiple lies and makes shit up multiple times in every interview. Every one. Our President.
That is effed up.
Somebody just needs to chain him to his desk in the Oval Trailer, hide the nuclear football, tell him Air Force One has been repossessed, and delete his Twitter account
Problem solved…
I wonder if Donald would mind if I told him where he can go?
Just wait until summer. The Women’s U.S. Open golf tournament will be at his Bedminster, NJ facility. It’ll be all he’ll talk about for weeks.
Are there any people left who buy this man’s horseshit? I feel very sorry for them.
I don’t. They are the ones who inflicted him upon us.
It’s really too early in the day for me to start drinking enough to fully go through the following, but maybe somebody else is ahead of me…
The 100 most Donald Trump quotes about his first 100 days
‘I really just see the bigness of it all.’
No. 100 "Believe Me"
Don is so full of crap… is there anything that Don won’t lie about.
What an a##hole !
He’s the type of asshole that other assholes look at and say, “Now there’s an asshole!”
Between the fake hair, the fake teeth, the fake nails, the fake boobs, we can’t be sure that the glittery stuff is front ot her is not cubic zirconia. If it’s real It came from mines in South Africa and we don’t want to get into that.
@maximus Colbert on trumPP’s claim of the president “tapping his wires.”
“Faced with these denials, Trump has not produced a shred of evidence, so where did Trump get his info? From the CIA? From the FBI? Out of his A-S-S?”
I especially like #10…10. “You’re really into your own little cocoon, because you have such massive protection that you really can’t go anywhere.”
At least he got the first part right. He is in his own little cocoon.
Fat assed megalomania on parade! Revolting, disgusting, crass!
I bet the Days Inn is even cheaper. He could stay there.
I think there are a lot of Trump voters who didn’t buy any of his promises, but they liked the idea of a racist in the White House.
Needs more gold trim and Louis XIV Furniture
Now that’s class…
It’s how the bigly rich and important decorate
A lion that defecates toy cars. Very impressive!