Perfect bitch?
narcissist says what?
oh … sorry …
thought you said ’ perfect pitch ’ —
Hilarious, biggest laugh I’ve had today. I sent this to many friends.
Well, looks like we’ll be adding “Inciting riots” to those Articles of Impeachment.
“Trump Says He Could ‘Tone It Up’ Since Media Has Been So Unfair To GOP.”
That’s nothing compared to how unfair the Nasdaq and Dow Jones are being to him and the GOP.
Hmmm, I think you just lost the Senate there, Donnie boy.
Hey, Private Bone Spurs:
Pretty sure that had nothing to do with music.
President also states he will:
“Big it down”
“Highroad the table”
“Sail sideways golf score”
I get that but it’s a seriously nails-on-blackboard thing for some people including and especially me. OW OW OW
Those are all perfectly cromulent expressions.
Thanks? for that?
I thought that was Melania’s line.
Trump will come out fighting like he did in Vietnam.
Well, gonna wander off. I’m glad they caught the bastard, and with luck we’ll avoid anyone getting a hand blown off or losing an eye. But the rest of it I’m exhausted by. Enough. Have a nice evening.
Please proceed, motherf*cker…
I am not a musician by any means and even I was pained.
That reminds of someone who was office manager at a place I worked and she routinely gave people papers to be photocopied and instead of saying “reduce this” she’d say “blow it down.”
You can’t teach an old doddered new tricks.