Discussion: Trump Says He 'Cannot Stand' Hillary Clinton 'Screaming'

He’s got a point, it is very annoying, if you want to be president you need to understand how amplification works. Broken clock, whatever, but someone needs to tell her.

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Maybe it’s me, but the last couple of brief clips of Drumpf’s voice I’ve heard on NPR, he sounds different. The edge of sneering braggadocio seems to be gone. He sounds as though he’s having some “Oh, shit…” thoughts. One of them was actually in the wake of the ND caucus vote, when it seemed very incongruous that he wasn’t in full braying mode. Either he’s getting tired, or he’s getting scared. Anyone else hearing this?


Trump Says He ‘Cannot Stand’ Hillary Clinton ‘Screaming’

And I can’t stand you breathing, Donald. What can I say, we all have our crosses to bear.


Again, every night I pray that the day after Hillary is elected, Donald “the draft dodging coward” Trump receives a call fro his urologist telling him that he has terminal testicular cancer but that he will live 4 more years if he has a castration.


It’s dawning on him he might have to endure 4 years of Washington D.C. being his official residence and primary area he’s stuck occupying most of his time. He famously flies home to his estate in Florida or penthouse in New York on an almost nightly basis, even when actively out campaigning. He’ll never make it to January, 2021 if he’s elected.


He rants from the rostrum through his rectum.


You meant to write Jan. 2017, didn’t you?


When they show him at rallies, I turn the sound off.


His disgust is a good political strategy – for the primary, anyway.

Donald Trump and the Politics of Disgust


“Poor George. He’s so dumb he couldn’t poor water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.”
— Ann Richards


nice catch @ottnott. I’m in the middle of Hetherington/Weiler Authoritarianism & Polarization. This lines up with a lot of their findings.


Yeah. I caught him on Chris Hayes tbe other day as I was changing channels. And there Trump was in full bull elephant seal mode, live at a rally, and Chris looking like a dumbfounded, narcoleptic owl on benzos.


OK…I DID laugh at loud at that one…

Yes, I noticed that also, but it’s not fatigue or ‘getting scared’, I think. It makes him sound more thoughtful, more serious. Trying to sound, dare i say it, more responsible, presidential. In other words, I think it may be a calculated shift in tone.

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By all means say it. Say whatever you want to. Please proceed. You’re the Leader of the Republican Party.


“But I won’t say it because we’re not allowed to say it, right?”

Except he did.
The Id of Drumpf speaks…


Glad you pointed this out.

(A) MSM people have long coveted the 18-49 yrs old consumer, particularly women.

(B) The MSM believes that letting Trump perform sadistic megalomania daily with no journalistic filters, pushback, aggressive questions, followup questions, evaluations, calling out for lies, etc. is a money-maker.

The juxtaposition (A) and (B) either makes sense or it does not. I am weary of making excuses for sexists, the MSM, the GOP and the electorate in general. Even before the Civil Rights era of the 1960s and the 1970s feminist activism, Trump would have been removed as a Presidential candidate.

By the GOP


Every single Republican office seeker automatically just said exactly what Trump just said. All of them, whether male or female.


Yeah emiliano, they would have back in the day. A loooooot of water has gone under the bridge since those days. And especially the water named George W Bush.

He really is the one who began the ruin of the GOP. For me, Drumpf is the 2d Coming of W, but on steroids and meth, since the nutjobs W encouraged to come out of the woodwork, didn’t go back in - they became the Tea Party and the whole thing worked together to bring us - Donald Drumpf.