Discussion: Trump Says AG Lynch Accepted Bribe From Hilary Clinton

Afraid not.

Wrong Loretta Lynch. In 1992 now AG Lynch was a prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York. The Loretta Lynch that Hillary had the run-in with is a California lawyer who was working for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992.

Facts are important.


Only if you’re really trying to get at the truth.

I guess he really IS in the tank for Hillary.???

How so?

Fights! Don’t forget drunken brawls!

Like a child vying for attention, Trump wants the public to look at him and not Hillary. It doesn’t seem to dawn on him that negative attention on Clinton plays well to him - for him it’s the spotlight moving away briefly that gets his impulse to spew something, anything, to make sure he is looked at first.

There it is.

I’ve been thinking that Trump’s hair is thinning out before our eyes.

Well, if, like the poet says, “beauty is truth, truth beauty”, then truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Since many people are more visually oriented than textually oriented, a visual display may convince the holdouts that there are two entirely different Loretta Lynch’s in the world.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch:


The other Loretta Lynch:

As you can see, the shapes of their ears are entirely different.


I hate ear-ism. You can’t judge a person by the shape of their ears!


wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we did not get our way on this bogus scandal…

I will just say that being attorney general is the most important job in the world. That you would risk your entire career in law enforcement to take a bribe to get 4 more years as AG. A better conspiracy plan would be to not indict the Dem nominee to help prevent a CRAZY NUT becoming President and destroy the United States of America. I buy the 2nd conspiracy argument over the first one as to why Hillary was not indicted.

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At this late date, why is the media pretending that Trump knows anything? He was unqualified to be president last summer, he was unqualified to be president in January, and he will remain unqualified to be president all the way to the election, assuming Republicans don’t actually get their act together and dump him at the convention.

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No, the media will gleefully latch onto this! Watch next Sunday’s talk show. They will be salivating about it. The media will do whatever it takes to attack Clinton since then they do not have to go with Trump’s racism since that is yesterday’s news to them. The media is all in to make this a close race.

He’s speaking to his constituency. It’s a vast wasteland of conspiracy theories, ad hominem attacks and other logical fallacies. Frankly, the current Republican Party is fallacious from top to bottom.

Once again, Donald “the draft dodging coward” Trump proves that he is not qualified to be President.

Instead, he is only qualified to be what he is a loser asshole.

It’s a very short step from the GOP establishment’s criticism of the FBI’s decision to Trump saying “it’s fixed!” Trump deserves to be the party’s nominee.


Clinton expands lead over Trump to 13 points

It’s an encouraging poll, but it was taken before Comey’s presser. You can be assured that after a week’s worth of Republican hysterics and MSM enabling, the next polling cycle will show the race considerably tighter. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if Clinton’s lead evaporates entirely, which is exactly what the media are desperate to make happen.

The entirety of the Democratic Party from Obama to Clinton to Congressional Dems have to go on offense. Now. Don’t let the narrative get cemented.

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And no one in the MSM will ever call him on his BS. :unamused: :rage:

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His words don’t matter much; it’s always the same ranting garbage. His supporters stay no matter what he says.

He’s preaching to the converted.

Anyone who needs convincing at this point probably shouldn’t vote. They are brain dead.