Discussion: Trump Said He’d Throw Orlando Shooter’s Dad, A US Citizen, Out Of Country

It is much simpler and much worse. First, throw out the “he thinks” idea; he doesn’t. But he is a human applause meter. Whatever phrase scores well with last night’s rally will get bigger exposure today. So really, all of Trump’s “policies” are whatever his mouth-breathing audience makes the biggest noise for.


The part I “love” is where Trump says, "If you look at him, I’d throw him out.” I mean, just look at him. His skin is not white, or even orange, how can be be a real American.


And of course Mr Trump will have to leave… He can go to live at his wonderful golf course with his Brexit friends in Scotland


Trumps proposed changes to Hail to the Chief (Note that NO music is required as it detracts from the powerful vebal message)

Donnie, Donnie
He’s our man
If Donnie can’t do it
Nobody can!


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"We don’t know what the hell we’re doing.” True, Donny-Boy. You don’t.


You’re being ironic, right? I mean, given that the Scots voted overwhelmingly against Brexit.


So, based on no wrong doing and no process he would just throw the guy out of the country. Because he was the father of a horrible person. That should not sound right to anybody.


Wait a minute! You wouldn’t throw out Trumpf along with the rest of them?

Donald Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he would force even U.S.
citizens found to have extremist views to leave the country as

As POTUS candidate with the most extremist views in several generations, it’s time to follow your own command and self deport.


Dept. of Homeland Security has already determined that right wing militia groups (i.e. - butt hurt white guys who never served running around the woods playing cowboys and Indians) are the biggest threat to national security. You know those guys that WANT to overthrow the federal government

It takes a real commitment to stupid to be conservative……Allah bless those of you withTrump supporters in your family


Textbook Fascism!


Will this policy become the new litmus test for SCOTUS nominees?


Absolutely… Remembering his speech in support of Brexit when he took his little mini vacation from campaigning to take care of business at his facility in Scotland. Once again he was out of touch with reality.

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Of course all of their assets will be seized and put into trust with the Trump’s as trustees. Can not imagine it otherwise.

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If only this man actually understood how the laws in this country worked, and the actual powers of the Presidency. That would, of course, require some actual intelligence and rational thinking. In a perfect world, we would throw him out of the country for his extremist views. The bar for decent, civilized behavior and speech is lowered every single day this man is allowed to pollute the airwaves with his bigotry and hatred. “Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” Apparently not. I don’t think he ever had one in the first place.


Donald Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity
that he would force even U.S. citizens
found to have extremist views
to leave the country…

First, they came for the extremists…

Hold on tight.
This flight is about to hit some serious turbulence.



I want to hear Paul R and Mitch M put a spin on this.


Just having the name like Reince Priebus ought to qualify him for a one way ticket to Slobivia. I am REALLY excited at the possibilities of this Trump policy!

“Extreme vetting”?

What, “The Inquisition” was trademarked?


Trump’s America will bear little resemblance to the America where most of his supporters grew up. In those days we believed in punishing the perpetrator and not his family. We believed in punishing actions and not mere words. We cherished freedom of Religion and Speech. Have baby boomers gone insane in their old age?