Imagine a Trump presidency, with cabinet members lasting as long as campaign members. Only family and Breitbart would be able to hang in there.
Ship, rat?
You mean right up until Trump finds out that he can’t legally nominate his family to any governmental post whatsoever?
I am not even sure of what Trump’s policies really are, the 5 sec soundbites he occasionally spews does not constiute anything like a coherent policy or philosophy. Murphy won’t be missed and can’t have had much to do…
Wow. More harm to the GOP/Trump ground game?
And then you have Roger Stone using their limited resources for exit polls in minority districts?
It’s all on his toxic kids, now…
And Then There Were None.
On November 9th, the only person who will be willing to admit to having been a Trump campaign staffer is Nigel Farage. And even he will claim he was just passing through.
As I pointed out on Sneed’s column, I am thoroughly convinced this ties directly into the RNC’s concerns about violating their consent decree regarding voter day activities. This guy is in far too deep with the RNC AND is in charge of Trump’s ground game. There can be no plausible deniability for the RNC if/when Trump supporters start showing up at polling places trying to intimidate voters.
To me, its the only reasonable explanation for this. No professional staffer at the level can leave a campaign with 2+ weeks left (and reportedly, he went incommunicado several days ago) without giving up his career entirely. Its not a “oh, the campaign is screwed, I am out” situation. NOBODY would ever hire someone who pulled this to ever work on their campaign in any capacity.
Unless he was told by the RNC to vamoose precisely because of the consent decree. And promised safe landing for committing a career ending move.
The Deathblow to the GOP is rapidly surfacing…
He must of timed this announcement immediately after collecting his (last) paycheck?
Meanwhile, back at Drumpf scampaign headquarters …
LOL, but in truth even Farage already seen the writing on the wall and put in some distance.
This time before the election.
Rudy Giuliani.
Isn’t that commonly referred to as The Atlantic Ocean?
At this point, I’m not sure that any judge is going to believe the RNC regarding any violation of the Consent Decree. They may be trying to create plausible deniability, but the reality is that they have known about this for far too long and the man is their Party leader. Given that their campaigns are, at this point, pretty much entwined, there is no way to separate one from the other.
I also have a feeling that pretty much everyone who worked on the Trump campaign is going to be persona non grata for a while in the political machine. They should have all left back in September.
That said, they may be betting their futures on Trump TV. They really should ask Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck how that worked out for them.
If I was Farage, I’d move to Australia.
Yes, well, the only question is whether Giuliani is going to be Karl Dönitz or Hermann Goering in this little morality play.
First rat off? Seems so.
Oh, I agree. Much MUCH more so than is typical, because Trump invested nothing in building a ground organization, and forced the RNC to carry that burden. Which means if more than 1 person shows up at a polling location to create chaos…there is an organizing principle involved and that leads right back to the RNC.
But this guy would be in over his head in it. He would be a one man case and the case would be closed. He probably still will be, but at least now he can say “Hey, I wasn’t even there the last three weeks!”
political professors of the future will use Rudy’s name in a similar manner… and Goering never had a noun, a verb and 911 issue like Rudy.
Selling hate was so much easier back then. No internet videos to prove them hypocrites.