Discussion: Trump’s Inner Circle To Huddle In New York Monday For Major Strategy Meeting

Kinder gentler Donald?

Every time I see that photo, I ask myself how she could be that stupid.

Then I remember who she is.


I’m bummed that we won’t have Corey Lewandowski to kick around anymore. He was more fun to make fun of than Paul Manafort and a lot less scary.


Republican Donald Trump is set to meet with top aides, members of his family and key confidants Monday in New York in an effort to chart a path forward emphasis mine.

In other words, pretty much the same bunch of idiots as before who told him things were just A-OK and if he had to “do it himself” that’s be cool too.


Somehow I don’t think this motion is going to be put forward for a vote:

Donald needs to STFU! Seriously, just STFU! All in favor say “aye”.


Convened & 10:50 AM EDT.
It’s now 10:56AM EDT.
They should be done by now.


You wouldn’t want anybody spoiling the magic of the moment, would you ?


Good luck getting a bell on this cat.

How many times is the media going to fall for the “the Trump campaign is getting serious, for realz this time… no really!” thing?

Trump does not have anything in his experiential database to deal with the reality of being a presidential nominee. Everything he’s done to this point has run counter to conventional thinking and has worked – in that he managed to garner a plurality (not majority) of votes in the primaries. He “won”, “they lost”, ergo “I’m not changing”.

He’s also fallen into the fallacy trap that Sanders did – to whit: rallies = broad support. I mean, how could the current strategy be wrong if all these people keep coming out and cheering for me?

So how is this sociopath narcissist going to change? I suspect that he’s self-aware enough – or his children are – to surround himself with people that will blunt some of his baser urges for a short time… but that won’t last long.


Lewandowski is nothing more than a hired thug. No ability to strategize, just bring pain down on whomever is hiring him.

Manafort is the kind to do the hiring. And he can strategize but only if there’s something to work with.

The meetings have been broken down into three venues, then everyone is going to gather and exchange ideas.


Lewandowski got tired of all the winning.


Well, unless Jeff VanVonderen is there this will be a hot mess of nothing.

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When I read about that hire, I thought, really? That has to be a sign of genius to campaign professionals everywhere.


Not exactly the way he likes to dominate the news cycle.

And maybe the new hire knows about a nice lady VP candidate ? Be still my heart …


Trump’s Inner Circle of Hell–Welcome!

*Artist’s rendering of what to expect:


Anti-Gay Marriage Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Has Been Married 4 Times, Has 2 Children Out of Wedlock.
Glad to help.