So surely this will drive the final stake through anybody’s beliefs that Kelly has any control at all over Trump’s twitter use?
“Tough and decisive” means you’d actually have to gather actual experts together and actually listen to them and then formulate an actual plan and lobby other world leaders to get consensus.
Or you could just continue to tweet shit.
A great business idea:
A line of party goods tailored to celebrate the day Donald Trump drops dead. I know I’ll be having a few people over to mark the event.
What in the world is the president doing tweeting intelligence info on Korea?
We are indeed in deep trouble when two narcissistic leaders try to outdo each other in their bulling activities.
Malcom Nance’s take on this was that loading missiles onto one boat is pretty routine stuff. If they were reloading missiles onto LOTS of patrol boats, that’s a much more worrisome sign of war preperation.
But here is (one) of the problems with this story. Fox runs reports like this, precisely to instill fear in its viewers. Trump could easily get much more insightful and pertinent information on the issue from the intelligence community, but instead…he is going to Fox so he can have his own fears stoke a bit higher.
This is how wars start.
Good Episode of Late Night. He points out what a lot of comments do that Trump gets his “intel” off Fox News.
If Kelly really wants to control Trump, he’d be better off getting a show on Fox News instead of being CoS.
Some people say …
That was my reaction as well. He has access to some of the best intelligence in the world - but he gets his “information” from Fox and Friends.
President Moron.
Then again if he primarily gets his news from Fox he won’t see this article from NYMag which would drive him nuts: NYMag - Kilgore: The Govt Could be Headed for a Showdown - and a Shutdown - Over Trump’s Wall. I think he will go into hyperdrive when/if he realizes this is brewing, as it won’t go down well with “his base”, or his ego.
Isn’t it time we had a female Colin Powell give false information to the UN about WMDs? I mean, be fair.
Trump’s hypocrisy continues to surprise us, even though he has, as Maya Angelou might point out, showed us who he is time and time again. It’s like reading the “miracle diet breakthrough” headlines in the checkout stand at the grocery store. Even though you know it’s ridiculous, you still read the headline.
Oh Yeah How convenient
Script goes like ths:
Gleiwitz incident
Has anybody told this nitwit that he’s not supposed to show his hand to the other players?
They made a joke about his hand being small. You know how that works out.
I wonder if there’s anyone Trump could have talked to in order to find out if the report is true.
The most interesting future event will be the day Trump gathers various people from the DoD and intel departments to inform them he’s launching a military strike against N.Korea. Not maybe doing it, but doing it. The decision has been made. Get on board or get out. Now give me three or four best options and let’s get on with it. The millions of S. Koreans living within 50 miles of the DMZ are on their own, unavoidable collateral damage. Give their government 48 hours secret notice, and tell them if it leaks the clock stops and action starts that moment.
Does the military follow orders? Do they contact several key people outside the Executive Branch and implore someone to intervene?
This is happening. Hopefully people are gaming their options.
The fake CIA?
so…Trump gets his intel from Fox News, but doesn’t pay attention to his daily intel briefs…I think this tells you everything you need to know about why he is so ill-informed.
So is AG Sessions going to “Lock Him Up?”