Trump: “The System Is Rigged”.
Dubya: You better believe it.
“And the Jew York Times is in her pocket,” he added.
Petraeus literally gave state secrets to a woman he was screwing.
Hillary did nothing other than what Powell and Rice did before her - except was more secure. Powell and Rice used Hotmail and Yahoo for cripes sake.
Yeah but … yeah but … at least he was slapped on the wrist.
FBI Director James Comey just gave Trump a lot legitimate ammo by calling Clinton sloppy, and irresponsible and it has gone right over his head. Instead he will make an idiot out of himself by whining,and engaging in foolish conspiracy theories. Its his opportunity to blow. I say go for it.
“FBI claimed Petraeus shared ‘top secret’ info with reporters
Newly unsealed affidavit sheds light on a probe sometimes compared to that of Clinton.”
Trump Justice:
When Clinton did NOT use personal server for classified emails and gets off, the system is rigged.
When Trump fraudulently steals thousands from students for a bogus class, they got their money’s worth. And he is ordered to pay restitution to them, the system is rigged.
Well, well, give Trump a red star for effort.
the pathological liar DonaldTrump if allowed will shred our Democracy you know why he can’t read!
yeah but yeah but…But this is Hillary Clinton. So she must be dragged through the mud, then burned at the stake and then drawn and quartered. Or else it will be a travesty of justice.
There is NO REASON for Petraeus to not be doing hard time right now. He flat out gave classified info to a reporter that he happened to be balling at the time.
Yeah, the system is rigged but not like Rump implies…
Let the crazy begin!!!
What’s that? Oh…
Let the crazy continue!!!
Yes, Donald. And I’ll just bet any money that it was rigged by those fucking Jews and their stranglehold on the American media and the international banking system.
Oh, wait! I’m sorry! I forgot I was supposed to be subtle. Maybe I should just post a “sheriff’s star” instead in order to get my totally un-bigoted point across. Maybe Corey Lewandowski and Dan Scavino can give me some pointers about that.
All kidding aside, if this fucking “the system is rigged!” conspiracy theory bullshit is all that Dickhead Donald can respond with, his campaign is even worse than I imagined - and I imagined it to be pretty fucking awful.
All most voters all going to take away from this is that Clinton did nothing wrong or illegal. She’s already admitted her poor judgement and apologised. If asked about Comey’s comments, the appropriate answer is that she’s already covered this.
Of course the system is rigged. It’s called “the rule of law” and it assures that rich people don’t always get what they want just because they want it.
and neither did time…
but naturally he chooses to omit that
But if Trump got to appoint a Supreme Court justice, it would have turned out opposite, believe you me.