Discussion: Trump Reportedly Planning $2M-A-Week TV Ad Buying Spree

Well, at least McConnell has to be feeling queasy. Proving that silver linings can be found anywhere.


Even if true, $2mil is peanuts. Buy the not so effective airtime then talkā€¦sounds like heā€™s going for the coveted late night movie slots.



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Not happening


Now the fact checkers will be doing triple OT, but Trumpā€™s candidacy is one of the top '15 stories and that ait gonna change much in '16.

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Trump once lifted his own middle diget. The tiny moustache is just an added bonus:

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TPM, if you insist on running every little detail about Trumpā€™s candidacy, at least do us the favor of not putting his fat, orange, disgusting, fucking face on every picture you have attached to every story. Iā€™d prefer a picture of dog shitā€¦truly. I get it, everything Trump has to be news, in this bullshit world of ours, but you donā€™t need to put his gross fucking mug on every picture, on every story you run. Show some decency, please.


The things you take your money to buy are usually things you want to have.

I like this. He cannot win the election, and the best thing I think we can do for this narcissist is to see to it that he spends a whopping load of money on this fiasco. Yep. He has $10B and spending $500M may seem small in comparison, but not to him.



Word of the day: kayfabe. Trump is the king of kayfabing.


I distinctly remember a conversation with my father when I was young. It must have been in 1987, and I was asking why someone like Michael Jackson didnā€™t run for president? Doesnā€™t everyone like him? His response was that there was more to running for president than just being a star. He further mumbled some off color remarks about President Reagan (my dad always blamed him for the time he was tear gassed at Berkeley when Reagan was Governor).

My dad was wrong in what he said, and right in what he mumbled. Itā€™s all about being a star, apparently.


That, plus he knows that if he says he is planning $2M/week TV ad blitz the media will happily ā€œpayā€ that.


Especially when all the estimates of his money by people who estimate such things for a living fall between 2 and 4 billion. $10 billion is pure patented Trumpian bullshit. Really rich people, the Adelson and Bloomberg types, could buy and sell him. And say he has 4 billionā€”how much of that is liquid? Compared to what Presidential campaigns cost these days, he may be less able to finance this thing himself than heā€™d like everyone to think. And heā€™s a cheap SOB by the evidenceā€”youā€™re quite right that he doesnā€™t really seem to like to spend money. And yet he gets his not-powerful mind made up and itā€™s look out below. This could just be one more instance in his life where he loses incredible amounts of money by being an arrogant idiot.


I canā€™t believe no one has yet noted that this will be the biggest, classiest, most luxurious ad campaign ever. Very, very classy and very, very rich. It will be amazing, believe me! A very close personal friend of mine, who happens to be the most successful TV producer in history, says it is the most fantastic ad campaign ever conceived! Yoooge! Thatā€™s how big it will be! Yooooooge!


American journalism. Dead. American political system. Dead. Integrity of candidates. Dead. Morals of candidates. Dead. Ethics of candidates. Dead. Any semblance of manners. Dead. Patriotism and acting in the interests of the country. Dead. Logic. Dead. Emotionalism and fear mongering. Off the charts. Obfuscation. Alive and well. Prevaricating. Flourishing. Corruption. The ideal.

Chill, dude.

Someone has been saying nearly the same thing for centuries.

Itā€™ll be YUUUGE!

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Then he better have the attack ads lined up. Bush is spending big in NH over the next weeks, basically buying up every minute they can find. And without a doubt,given his campaign rhetoric, its all going to be aimed at how ā€œnot seriousā€ Trump is as a candidate.


WHY ???

All the free TV time heā€™s been getting from the networks falling all over themselves,Trumps day in the sun will probably unfold like Ross Perots vice presidential candidate Admiral James Stockdale.I could only hope.


You expect the media NOT to cover the GOP front runner?