I hope he’s out of office before he has to start using that one!
I really don’t get why Shep stays there. Attacking the beast from within? Yeoman duty.
Trump is considering bringing in Jason Miller, a spokesman for the Trump campaign who withdrew from an administration post following the revelation that he had an affair with another Trump aide, A.J. Delgado, according to Sherman.
Miller didn’t just have an affair with Delgado.
The year was 2016. Miller’s wife became pregnant in April (their second child); in August he told Delgado that he and his wife had separated in June (they hadn’t, of course); Delgado became pregnant in October. Both pregancies were carried to term and Delgado says Miller hasn’t been a very good dad …
@dommyluc Oh, sure. Here we go - ragging on the pigs again.
Just doing my job here, boss.
That’s the eye chart in Carter Page’s optometrist office.
He won’t stop firing people until he reaches the absolute bottom of the barrel. It’s his idea of “management.”
Yeah, that’s the best. I lol’ed at this one though too:
According to sources, Trump speaks regularly by phone with a braintrust that includes Sean Hannity, Jason Miller, Corey Lewandowski, Reince Priebus, and R.N.C. Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel.
Or the itching could be caused by a flare-up of tertiary stage syphillis.
Really. It could go either way.
In this case, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Actually, I wouldn’t really want to assign “truffle” to Current Occupant, mostly because truffles grow in tree roots and not piles of shit and also because they are quite valuable.
I consider him more a garden variety fungus, completely lacking in any sort of intrinsic value, growing in a tray of horsepucky in someone’s damp basement…
Please bring back Mooch!!! He was comedy gold.
Wait, Ivanka is still there? I thought she went into hiding. Haven’t seen her or the boy wonder in months.
If you stop having people fail uoward soon they won’t fail at all and then how will you look?
Can CNN part with Jason Miller? He’s on pretty much every.single.hour.
Wait, Ivanka is still there? I thought she went into hiding. Haven’t seen her or her beard in months.
Well, he certainly won’t have any distractions while COS. /s
Itching is he? He must have a rash.
Great photo by the way, creepy.
Instead of nit-picking, the most generalized solution would be if Trump left.
I just think that he’s naturally an asshole and he’s basking in the publicity.
The American people are itching for a COMPLETE shake-up at the White House – starting with Fat Donald and My Prissy Pants.