Discussion: Trump Reportedly Considering Lowering Number Of Refugees Even Further

Are you being ‘American’ again? Patriotic? How quaint…the only thing these bullies understand these days is revenge…or perceived revenge.


Given the sizes involved you would think they could hide them in a speedo.


Officials at the National Security Council, State Department, and
Defense Department have opposed a significant drop in the number of
refugees accepted

That’s really telling. Not just the people responsible for our image, but the people responsible for keeping us secure. Why do republicans hate America so much?

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Wow…he’s a special kind of douche alright.


A deep dive into various investigations of his upbringing, education and professional life reveals he’s an asshole of epic proportions.

He’s worked for, in succession, Michele Bachmann, Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump, in critical roles for all three. That’s some Zelig level participation in hatred and bigotry.


Stephen Miller bears a striking resemblance to Josef Goebbels, in many ways.

Not all of them. Just the ones who are Jewish. It’s the damnedest thing.

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It is a bit off topic, but the history books will remember the re-occurring public presence of Stephen Miller in the administration brands Donald Trump as a bigoted white nationalist and loathsome Nazi sympathizer. Getting rid of Gorka and Bannon was not enough and every time I see the face of this Goebbels wannabe, we all know he has curried favor and is influencing Donald Trump with his tainted white supremacist views…

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I was lucky when I chose my TPM member name. The “i” on my keyboard was working.

Said otherwise, “US turns it’s privileged, wealthy back on those in grave danger.” This measure should be accompanied by a policy change that no US political figure ever again claim the US is a “shining city on the hill,” or utter the words “American Exceptionalism,” or call the US a “Christian nation.” By all evidence, we have decided to be an international pariah.

yes, I am a bit unnerved by that - once the user name is set, I never could figure out how to go back and edit this.

Trump hates anyone who does not look like him, isn’t rich like him, isn’t part of the country club elite…

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

This poem is anathema to trump.

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Maybe an email to siteissues@talkingpointsmemo.com might be helpful. Explain what you want to to and why. I expect they’ll be helpful… especially since you aren’t trying to mimic somebody else’s screen name for trolling purposes.