“It’s frankly disgusting the way I am able to tweet whatever I want to tweet. And people should look into it.” There, Donnie-Short-Fingers, I fixed it for you.
Around the same time, Mattis released a new statement, according to ABC News’ Dan Linden: “Recent reports that the President called for an increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal are absolutely false. This kind of erroneous reporting is irresponsible.”
I believe Trump's beef with NBC is legitimate. Only a moron would recommend a ten-fold increase in our nuclear forces. Oh, wait.........
On Wednesday, during a press availability with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Trump said of NBC and the media in general: “They have their sources that don’t exist, in my opinion, they don’t exist. They make up the sources. There are no sources. Any other questions?”
An federal indictment of ‘Javanka’ this week would send a timely signal to the Congress
If you slather it in ketchup the charred flavor is tolerable.
At least this barrage of reporting for the last several days keeps hitting the same – and, importantly, new – code again and again and again. That would have been impossible had it not been for his aides and advisors actively leaking in desperation and for the purpose of shaping the discourse they think is needed.
So, hopefully…
Just a reminder…
Faux News lies the most…
AND makes you stupider…
He’s a Republican, he doesn’t care if he’s right or wrong(he’s wrong 99%), he fights. Even when Democrats have truth on their side…they don’t fight. Wish Democrats had the stones to go after FOX like this…
Mattis: Recent reports that the President called for an increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal are absolutely false.
No, he didn’t “call for an increase.” He just ranted at length about how stupid Obama (and every other President since Johnson) was for decreasing the number of US nukes, ranted about wanting an increase, demanded to know why we aren’t increasing, ranted about us signing agreements to reduce nukes and then signing an agreement that tells Iran they can build more, and then ranted about looking weak, because Jong-un gets to show off new missiles and all Trumpp has to show is a piece of paper that says the US dismantled some more of its nukes.
Oh yes. Nice catch.
What about the leakers? shitboggen
And would please any number of us immensely.
Win-win, as far as I can see.
We get it! Criticism = ‘fake news’. Who believes this shit? Isn’t it obvious to fucking everyone why he calls stories fake news. But I know the 30% of 'Muricans living in Jonestown will believe anything der führer says.
“I mean, I’ve seen tremendously dishonest press,” he continued. “It’s not even a question of distortion. Like the question that was just asked before, about the 10 times the capability. I know the capability that we have, believe me, and it is awesome. It is massive. So when they make up stories like that, that’s just made up.”
there’s more, there’s always more with ‘45’
So are you siding with “rocket-man” Kim and calling the President a “Dotard”?
2000 lies from Trump in the first 9 months…
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Trump had admin officials leak an inaccurate story to NBC to create an excuse to pull their FCC license. Of course the motive is to discredit the Russia investigation. Virtually everything that treasonous moron does is aimed at weaseling out of accountability for his crimes.
That sounds exactly like Trump.
Are you sure? I mean, he would look like a moron if something like that were ever revealed