Discussion: Trump Rages Against 'Dishonest' Media For Reporting 'Girlfriend From Hell' Remark

I’m with you TrumpDog.

I believe it was Oscar WIlde who said, “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”


Chammy - you missed the point - there is NO sympathy here for Trump …

Never thought I would agree with that creep, that total clown, a corrosive charlatan, a bigot and an undeserving silverspoon lucked-out neerdowell representing all the worst of US capitalism, the antithesis of what this country should be about, a guy who on his best hair day self-parodies.

But, yeah, he’s right about that hellhound bee-atch. And she couldn’t have happened to a nicer scumbag.

A rich person bitching. Just not feelin’ it.

This is rich. The RNC built their entire presidential nominating convention around a four word phrase in which they took Obama completely out of context. I’m sure the Donald was the first to speak out against it.


Meanwhile Fuckface Von Clownstick had to drop his case against Bill Maher because he could NOT definitively prove that he isn’t the spawn of his mother’s dalliances with an Orangutan.

“the lawsuit was temporarily withdrawn to be amended and refiled at a later date.” Said Michael Cohen ‘special council’ to Trump.

We’re still waiting, Fuckface.


Political reporters are often dishonest, especially the political reporters at Fox. There is a definate lack of integrity in the journalism these days. He is lucky, however, most people don’t have the clout to make sure their complaints about the press are repeated by the press.

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Captain Combover does not believe that the press should be telling YOU PEOPLE what the rich are saying or doing cause he’s very popular with The Blacks.

I don’t understand Donald’s pique. If I were asked to describe his comments last week, I would have said he slammed Sterling, slammed his racism and mentioned that he had a “girlfriend from hell.” Isn’t that precisely what he said? Why is he suggesting he was even remotely misquoted?

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Trump has 7 girlfriends from hell and 3 from all of his pageants.

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Why isn’t this about me? I’m a rich, disgusting excuse for a human being famous for having much younger ‘girlfriends’ and I’ve made some horrific racist remarks too, ya know.

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I am reminded of the old school yard rebuttal, “you can dish it out but you sure can’t take it”. It has always fit Trump to a t. What a world class whiner, like most bullies, he whines the loudest when he gets shoved back. (And I am especial mad at myself for clicking on this link-bait as I try not to click on certain stories with certain names attached such as rush, beck, trump, west, malkin, et al.)

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Let me see if I have this straight; Trump, who never met a TV camera he didn’t pose in front off, has forever sought publicity anywhere he could find it is now pissed off that his words have been reported accurately?! What a pathetic control freak. What a SCHMUCK!

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I love it when the day begins with The Donald trumpeting how butthurt he is.

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Instead of criticizing the media, Trump should thank the media for not asking him about the four times he has filed for corporate bankruptcy, the last being in 2009. Trump has all the moral and business ethics of a street corner Rolex watch salesman.

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What’s that thing on his head? Is that an animal?

And how dishonest is The Donald for continuing all this birther crap? Takes one to know one Donald.

libel laws be reinstated?

Huh? They haven’t gone anywhere. Just another excuse for not doing something he couldn’t win—cuz there is no libel.

Now the Donald wouldn’t really want to broaden the libel laws for public figures as the birthers like himself might find themselves coughing up cash.


" Trump said. “I’ve never seen anything like this.” was he referring to that thing on his head?

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