Discussion: Trump Questions Point of 'Screaming' Protesters: 'Embarrassing For The Country To Allow' Them

“…only for me, though”, Trump added


Donnie should remember the 1st amendment allows him to publish drivel like “The Art of the Deal”


The fact that there were no summary executions outside the Capitol building is simply disgraceful.


They should be more respectful. Perhaps they should take a knee instead.


Is it me or do the more recent pictures of Trump show a man who has aged 10 years in the last 2. He clearly doesn’t sleep well, if at all. His diet is horrible. He has been putting on even more weight. He gets no exercise to speak of (golf using an electric cart isn’t exercise…) He is constantly screaming so his blood pressure must be through the roof.

More importantly his comments, always unhinged, are unhinged in a different way now, the way your crazy uncle became unhinged in the months prior to the diagnosis of dementia. Mueller might not get Trump. His body might not take him that far.


Now you’re just teasing us!

I think it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protestors.

Get on the phone to your buddies Kim and Vlad, I’m sure they have a few ideas on how to handle this.


From The Book

It is stranger still to learn that Trump orders his most popular tweets printed out, so that he can study them. What lesson has he learned? That his most effective tweets are often the most unhinged. He’s a focus group of one, thriving on the smell of his own sulfur.


I don’t doubt for a second he’d love to “amend” the First Amendment. I bet the whole of his base would support him 100%. As I’ve said before, I used to think this country was pretty much in agreement on the basics of civic life. This dispiriting interval has demonstrated otherwise.


Spankee thinks the only part of the Constitution that applies to him is the electoral college part.


The First Amendment also allowed cadet bone spurs to do his birther bullshit for eight years.


From the stable constitutional scholar…

The President is protecting and defending the Constitution from anybody who isn’t a wealthy white male.


Democracy is a BIG embarrassment. Damn…that first amendment makes we blush with shame.


Thriving on the smell of his own sulfur. Now THAT’S a burn. A big stinky burn.


The Supreme Court ruled, not too long ago, that abortion protesters can scream right in the faces of terrified women trying to enter a clinic to get a medical procedure in the name of free speech. Yet the SCOTUS does not even allow protesters within 100 yards of their august selves (I am sure I do not have the numbers exactly right). Now that the Republicans are trying to ram this guy through by withholding and concealing evidence, the likes of Grassley, Hatch, Trump and a whole bunch of other rich white MEN are upset about people yelling on their finely manicured lawns. Watching these old codgers rumble and ruminate about integrity and decorum is infuriating. The conservatives, the Federalists, all the Koch brother think tanks and big money interests in America are masturbating in our faces right now and getting upset when we protest. Fuck them bigly, Someone should be yelling in their faces day and night for the treason they have committed and continue to commit in broad daylight. They should be hounded at home and at work. This hearing is a fucking minstrel show of duplicity and a grab for power beyond the imagination of most Americans.

Yeah, I am pissed.


“How do you feel about morbidly obese fuckers wandering around a Cracker Barrel with an AR-15?”


The best, biggest embarrassment, too.

Hands down.


His apparent ignorance of the free speech provisions of the Constitution is a far greater embarrassment, imho.

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“I don’t know why they don’t take care of a situation like that,” he told the Caller. “I think it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protestors."

I don;t recall a similar reaction on the part of the POTUS to the alt-right demonstrators in Charlottesville. Oh, right – that is his base.

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What Donnie also does not understand is that even if the law allowed him to sue Woodward for libel, the entire burden would be on Trump to prove that what Woodward wrote was untrue.