Discussion: Trump, Putin To Meet In Helsinki On July 16

Oh, Putin’s really happy today. It’ll be a dawdle packing the venue (hotels, restaurants, hookers) with FSB people – easy, as well as cheap because it’s just across the border (no having to fly a bunch of folks over).

You can bet your sweet bippie that more pee tapes will be made – and if the Secret Service guys pull another one of their drunken-partying-with-hookers stunts (and you can bet the vodka will flow like water), our whole national security will be jeopardized. Talk about blackmail fodder.

It’s not just that Pootie got a psychological leg over (“Bolton’s come a-begging” on Russian national teevee) just like Kim in SK pulled the wool over Spankee’s eyes. It’s that he got Spankee and Bolton to agree to holding it in his backyard.

Pootie’s Christmas came early this year.


“many other subjects.”

I’m not expecting a whole lot of elaboration on this, either in the days ahead of or the days following the summit.

Not in public, anyway.


Regrettably, it seems the Russian media far better understand Trump than the US counterpart.

No wonder, though. For the US media, Trump is a president. For the Russian media, he is a puppet.

cc: @irasdad @inversion


Here’s one deal a master deal-maker might be able to negotiate with Russia: Russia gets sanctions lifted, and agreement that US will withdraw from NATO and G7. US gets nothing, though there will be promises that Russia will work with the US on Syria and other matters. I think Mr. Trump may be able to pull it off!

Unfortunately, this is no exaggeration. Trump apparently said at the G7 meeting that NATO was as bad as NAFTA and he really does want to lift sanctions (or is being told that he can’t wait any longer to make this happen).


Yeah, read that on my way to work this morning (you know, it made me feel exhausted instantly and the day is still young) On surface, it’s totally absurd and insane to compare a military alliance and free trade agreement and declare both are similarly bad (aside from whether they are really “bad”). But yes, what’s consistent there is more important. And so, no, I actually fear what you said may well happen… especially now that Mattis seems to have been sidelined.


Here is what trump will ask for and get from Putin:

  1. To narrowly hold on to the house majority
  2. A super-majority in the senate
    In order to get this trump will provide Putin with access to the voting infrastructure.

There needs to be 10 people in the room for this. No private meetings so these two criminals can continue to collude.

Trump is a flat out traitor.


Trump said Wednesday that “getting along with Russia and with China and with everybody * is a very good thing.”

  • Does not apply to shithole countries, Mexico, Canada, the EU, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Venezuela. Terms subject to change without notice.

I’m actually delighted at this. The closer he hugs Putin’s knees, the worse it is for the #TreasonCaucus in November.


I wish I could be so sanguine – everything I have read says the slavering base now think Uncle Pootie is their friend. (Probably at least in part because he brought them the Orange Menace, for which they are thankful.)


You forgot Dems at home. We’re the outcast majority now.


What is the official reason for this summit? Is there one?


Yep. Tactically it’s the last thing he should do, but he can’t help himself.


The slavering basis is 26-32% of the population.



I think the base is written off in the calculations. The Republicans who all said “He wasn’t my first choice” but fell in line and voted for him are the more porous stratum. If we turn out and some of them stay home, bingo.


That’s our best hope - that Putin’s head will explode from the joy he feels.

Trump’s ego gratification.
He’s a bottomless pit of emotional neediness and approval-seeking.


Now how do you figure he would do that? Do you think there’s a monolithic national voting infrastructure thingy?


Precisely. Such Trumpers can be flipped. That is our goal and responsibility.

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