This is Trump playing the comic book villain who takes and threatens hostages until the defenseless masses give him what he wants. He tries this crap over and over again and always comes out the loser. He’s pushing this because folks on the far right think he’s failing at the border. He’s sensitive about that. Go hard on comprehensive immigration reform and Dems win 340 EVs and take the Senate.
He’s seizing the narrative.
It’s what he does best.
His base doesn’t hear/read/care that somewhere down the line - his actions are nullified/ignored/thrown out of court.
He’s talking big and carrying a big stick.
All while the Turtle pushes through judges that WILL support him.
Might be good. San Francisco, Boston NYC and other cities would probably treat those poor people as well as possible.
He’s not seizing anything but his own _____. This is a weak distraction. He got clobbered on immigration last year. This is not the strong issue he thinks it is for him.
There is a tale about giving a hard-working people a dump and them making it into something great
And giving lazy people an eden and them turning it into a dump.
Trump may be the most clueless person alive. The majority of the people he is talking about are the first type.
ETA In this case, the Immigrants have an even greater opportunity.
Let them come, help them get established, and prepare them all to be counted in the 2020 Census!
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
Emma Lazarus, New Colossus
I am certain that Congress will be more than happy to increase the budget for increased transportation cost at the expense of the American tax payer; at the expense of Wall. Plays to the base which won’t be enough to get him re-elected and turns off those swing voters who are tired of revenge politics. I’m thinking this is a real winner for old Two Scoops.
Hit Trump and anyone involved with human trafficking laws.
That should shut the sleazebag up. For a few minutes.
We in Chicago have a message for Dipstick – bring it, wuss.
To the migrants who might find themselves in Chitown soon – our winters might be cold, but our feelings toward you are warm. Welcome to our city-- there’s plenty of room for you here.
It’s time for public officials in all the sanctuary jurisdictions to sign on to a public letter saying just that. “Bring it on. We will treat these fellow human beings with dignity and respect even if you wont.”
Speaking of dumping something, like cash.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, my representative from SF, says the idea is
just another notion that is unworthy of the president of the United States and disrespectful of the challenges we face.
He’s got a point. He just fired everyone, including the lawyer, who was standing in the way of it.
We’re crossing the line into becoming Turkey very rapidly now.
Aspirationally, fine, realistically, no. Big fights going on here in SF about the number of homeless and proposals to shelter them at Navigational Centers are being met with resistance from the NIMBY cohort. At meetings about these proposals the mayor is shouted down and berated and it gets ugly very quickly.
Bazinga! Whamo! Ka-Pow!
Trump’s a method actor.