I didn’t read the whole response thread, by FFS.
The schools can’t afford pencils for the kids, but all of a sudden they have money for Glocks?
I didn’t read the whole response thread, by FFS.
The schools can’t afford pencils for the kids, but all of a sudden they have money for Glocks?
I’ll tell you this, if you act by midnight tonight, we’ll even throw in an extra Marine at no cost! (you just pay shipping and handling)
You’ll get the best Marines at a fantastic savings, believe me!
Reading that trump wants teachers to be armed makes no fucking sense. None. Where do the legal responsibilities lie in a circumstance where a gun is fired outside what’s commonly considered the Castle Doctrine to protect one’s home and family when crossfire ensues in a school setting. How does that even work? Its ridiculous on its face, even if there are some teachers willing to go along with that kind of insanity. Its just more guns everywhere. Its doesn’t solve anything. It makes accidents potentially even more likely. This is an NRA tactic to sell more guns. They also want guns in bars, on college campuses, in churches, etc. That’s the opposite of what we need. We need less guns. Concealed carry should go back to those with legitimate reasons to carry like law enforcement, licensed deputies, licensed and bonded security officers and the like.
Everybody must get stoned according to Dylan.
Damn Straight they will. No matter how well armed or trained the “Good Guys” are:
But what if my teacher is a godless liberal who teaches evolution in biology class?
My turn! My turn!
Then there’s this . CBS news captured this
Fucking empathy void idiot can’t even talk to grieving people without a crib note.
You want to believe some one can’t be that callous
He can
He does embarrassing things every day, but this one will cost him votes. Looks completely out of his depth and unprepared to address a life or death issue. Just repeats NRA talking points. If we turn this energy into votes at the ballot box, the GOP is done.
Total. Fucking. Poseur.
trying to bluff his way through the presidency and he gets busted on it every day.
Every Democrat action group should be doing a massive voter registration drive; making sure that those needing a voter ID to vote get one before the election; and posting Donnie’s crib notes on billboards from coast to coast.
Great idea arm the teachers. Of course the federal government can’t dedicate funds to that, we have a deficit to worry about. So the teachers will have to purchase all guns and ammunition on their own. Don’t forget these work related purchases aren’t tax deductible.
BTW I’m being mostly facetious, arming teachers is pure stupidity. However, you know they’d expect the teachers to foot the bill and, if a teacher couldn’t afford a gun AND there ended up being a school shooting. It would totally be there fault that kids died…stupid teachers.
I seriously hate these people…
Okay, I haven’t been able to read all of the comments yet but, in case you haven’t seen this yet, Fat Nixon actually had a staff created “cheat sheet” of things he could/should say because the fat fuck has no human emotions on which to draw.
From Politico Trump Used A Cheat Sheet So That He Could Pretend To Show Empathy To Parkland Victims
I’m so pissed right now I don’t know what to say…
ETA: As I continued to read, I see that @littlegirlblue and a few others beat me to it.
I vote both.
PBS News Hour had a segment on gun control in Scotland enacted after a school shooting.
Results? In 2017, Scotland had two (2) deaths by gun all year.
Extrapolated out to the US population, that would suggest 124 gun related deaths in the US in 2017.
Instead, we had almost 16,000…
OT, but relevant.
Loaded Gun
The lost generation’s taking hold
The last generation keeping score
Gonna want to know who they’re working for
You’re gonna want to know who you’re working for
You’re living like a loaded gun
You better show your hands
The lost generation’s keeping score
The last generation taking holes
Gonna want to know who they’re working for
You’re gonna want to know who you’re working for
You’re living like a loaded gun
You better show your hands
Maddow tweeted the news earlier today with this very picture after her message.