Discussion: Trump Proposes Arming School Faculty: 'It Could Very Well Solve Your Problem'

It is truly fucking frightening that the people who govern our country rely on such places for the information they need to do the jobs we elect them to do.

In our name, no less.


45 embroidered on his left shirt cuff?
And bullet points so he can talk to children?

Well tharā€™s yer stable genius folks.


I like it. I would brandish my pistol at any student who handed in unstapled homework, and they would brandish their pistol at me if I took off too many points for a minus sign error. Committee meetings would be more civil. The cafeteria staff better think twice about serving Swedish Meatballs again, but on the other hand, who would have the stones to openly complain about them? In the name of keeping the peace, all exams are now multiple choice and there are no wrong answers.


Gosh, should have read all gazillion comments before I said the same things!

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Sweet baby Jesus, heā€™s just so goddamn dumb.

Arming teachers. Christ almighty.


I keep reading about arming teachers and I can only assume that those with that idea have never spent a day teaching in an elementary school or participated in a practice lockdown. I have done both and I will tell you from my experience what a practice lockdown was like with 25 five and six year olds. First the alarm goes off and then intercom telling you we are in a lockdown. We are told prior in the week there will be a lockdown, but not when and what day. First I would lock my door and then tell the kids to stop everything they were doing. My classroom had one wall of windows that looked out to a courtyard that faced the Main Street, but unfortunately it was in line with my door which had a window, so the kids and I went to the far corner the kitchen center to hide. Some were scared and some didnā€™t take it seriously enough. I had one kid that was really frightened and sometimes wet his pants. I often contemplated how we would escape if we had to and I knew somehow I would have to figure out how to break the windows to the courtyard and help the kids scale the wall. I knew my time would be limited as the courtyard had a bank of windows that ran along the hall. I had to think realistically which kids I could count on to help. Again they are five and six. Now you say well what if you had had a gun. Well I had a few Houdiniā€™s in my class and how they could sneak into things without notice I will never know. Sometimes I had to hold a child who had seizures in my classroom and many having temper tantrums. You want me to do this with a gun strapped to my side. I donā€™t think so, so it would need to heavily locked to protect it from my little Houdiniā€™s and the upper level kids who would love to get their hands on it. Then realistically we are teachers we love those kids and feel protective of them and the fear I would accidentally shoot one of them alone would keep me from discharging it. We had many many troubled kids at the school I taught in and even still we loved them and our hearts broke for what they dealt with. If one of them came in brandishing a weapon I really donā€™t know what one of us would have done. It would have gone against all our instincts to shoot them. This is my experience and maybe some other teacher on here feels differently, but I feel teachers should be allowed to teach and not police.


He thinks every shirt he wears will be a collectable. Heā€™s right, but for the wrong reasons.


I donā€™t think those are his notes to self. Theyā€™re the ā€œdetailed briefingā€ he got from Hope Hicks or some other staffer. Five bullet points is pretty much the Dotardā€™s limit.


Curious: How many Ds on that list?

Too fucking many?


Reminds me of GHW bush during a debate with Bill Clinton and Ross Perot in 1992, and he was at a loss on how to be sincere and so he said and I quote: ā€œMessage. I care.ā€


This isnā€™t the first time this idea has come around - it comes up every time there is a school shooting. But nobody ever asks the teachers.

The teachers donā€™t want guns by and large - thatā€™s always what I hear when this comes up so they can talk but itā€™s bullshit and they know it.


ā€œI hear youā€
I doubt it Dolt 45


Trump is suggesting that we militarize our schools with professional gunmen. Speaking as a mother of a dedicated high school teacher, this suggestion is just insulting. The teachers are there to reach young minds and hearts, not to be a hired gun.


One is too fucking many. But I am sure (sadly) that there are probably dozens.

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First we kill the NRA. Then we fix the problem.


Further observation: the young man in the blue tie like itā€™s taking all his self-control not to jump out of his seat and beat the living shit out of the Great Orange Gasbag.


No Ds. None


I love being wrong.


@darrtown, does this help?