Discussion: Trump Praises Democratic Senator Facing Tough 2018 Reelection

No Repubican is going to vote for her, despite any handshakes from Trump, and Democrats are going to look at that and be very concerned whose side she’s on: theirs or Trumps?


Unbelievable. trump has excoriated and disparaged this female senator publicly, repeatedly, on numerous occasions. Yet when he has to actually sit near her and look her in the eye, he’s all complimentary sweetness and light.

trump is a deeply disturbed, profoundly mentally ill individual; a coward, and a complete emotional cripple.


Is it possible that Donnie Dimmwitt got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and thinks he’s a Democrat today?


“Senator Heitkamp, senator, come on up,” Trump said.
“Everyone’s saying, ‘what’s she doing up here?’ But I’ll tell you what,
good woman, and I think we’ll have your support, I hope we’ll have your
support. Thank you very much, senator.”

Good woman?



And if Democrats don’t vote for her because of that, they’re idiots.


Total idiots. Good god.

Here’s an interesting picture that tells everybody what is going on (and that Schumer is fucking brilliant):smile:

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Are you by any chance a Democrat living in a red state, you know one of those small blue dots surround by a sea of red?

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All this is a big shmooze, Trump is portraying his “I Can Make A Deal” with anyone shtick.


The Art of the Schlemiel. By Donnie Jehoshaphat Drumpf.

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…if your into brevity.


I think that she will change parties.

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[Politico] Heitkamp is one of just three Senate Democrats who declined to sign a letter to GOP leaders demanding that Republicans abstain from using the party-line budget reconciliation maneuver for tax reform.

“We’ve always said that we’re interested in tax reform,” Heitkamp said. “I continue to be curious about what the actual plan is.”

As she rode on Air Force 1. Yeah, It would probably be smart to find out what the plan is before you vote on it (Jeebus does his face palm). I understand you are “Dem” in a red state, but please show some integrity.

I’m a Democrat living in a suburn of Seattle. People think of Washington as reliably blue, and it is, but it’s only because of our cities. The vast majority of the state is red. Thankfully there are enough people living in the cities to keep us very blue over all.

I watched the video clip, Schumer, fidgeting with his tie, looks like the cat, who has just eaten the canary…