Discussion: Trump Polling Second Behind Walker Among Iowa Voters

I love the profiles in courage that the fellow Repubs are in for not calling him out for his BS.

They could make themselves look reasonable. But it’s too early for that I guess. The same mistake they did with responding to Roof’s attack with being too chickenshit to voice the obvious in case the rabid base gets mad.


Hmmnn. I wonder how long it will take the corrupt corporate media, in wild search for false equivalences to say things like,

“Well, you know, the GOP and the right do have to deal with Trump, but then again, the Democrats have Bernie Sanders to deal with. Extremes on both sides.”


Trump is my Man! He galvanizes the Racist Republican base like no other. I hope he gets the nomination. There just may well be enough racists to make it happen.

This is why I’m predicting that the RNC and Fox will exclude Trump from the debates if his numbers are above the threshold for inclusion. They’ll justify it on the basis of his “hateful and divisive remarks about Hispanic Americans that have no place in our national conversation, which means Donald Trump is really a liberal.” or some such argle-bargle. If the RNC had any brains they already would have done so, since every day that goes by with him in the race means there are thousands of Hispanics who permanently abandon any thought of voting for Republicans.

I suspect that if his numbers are still high as the debates draw closer, the RNC will start training its guns on Trump to drive down his numbers in hope of being able to avoid openly excluding him.


How does anyone publicly claim to be a Republican these days? Seriously these nitwits are embarrassing to me as an American let alone calling them “my party.” Not a one of them is a serious candidate: a college dropout, a multiple bankruptcy hairpiece, an executive from California who nearly bankrupted a Fortune 500 company, a black guy with racist views, an Indian American who ruined his state’s economy, a guy who would knowing repeat Iraq named Bush, a child molester backer family values dinosaur, a self proclaimed eye doctor with wacky foreign policy views, and a guy named after frothy after-sex. Seriously every one of them is a joke, not funny, but a joke.


Well of course, he says about Mexicans what all the GOP voters think about Mexicans, duhh.


I love how Michele’s eyes are rolled up in her sockets like a frog eating a caterpillar, and how Marcus is desperately trying to convey the impression he’s never done that before.


To my knowledge, Bush has not said he “will skip the caucus.” He said he is skipping the Iowa Straw Poll. And that’s all the linked story says.


Not a chance. I think too many of their viewers are natural supporters of this guy. They helped create a monster and now they are stuck.


I’ve seen these pix a gazillion times and they still gross the hell out of me. A beheading ,or some dude being roasted alive and devoured by a dragon, on Game of Thrones, not so much.

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I laugh my ass off whenever I see them. How any serious politician wouldn’t know enough to stay the hell away from corn dogs at the Iowa state fair is beyond me.


I hope you’re right!


Not that I disagree with your main point but it’s worth remembering that none of those duds were billionaires, although I suppose you could argue that Newt’s pipeline to Adelson made him one, at least temporarily. Keep hope alive!

Should Trump last to the debates there may be a national shortage

I’m laying in a supply later today

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The great thing about his candidacy is that whether or not he gets the nomination, he’s going to be a huge drag on the nominee who’ll undoubtedly be forced to comment on every batshit thing Trump says in a sad attempt to stay relevant.

I highly doubt that. They don’t want him outside the tent pissing in. More importantly, most of their voters agree with his racist comments. To them, Trump is out there “telling it like it is”. And the RNC can’t afford to alienate their base by admitting racism exists, being seen as actively trying to exclude non-establishment candidates, and, worse yet, actively trying to appeal to brown voters. They’re stuck with Trump.

ETA: Also, I think they’re going to have enough trouble quieting the angry supporters of those candidates who don’t make it on the debate stage. But here’s the funny part…one of their candidates, someone they probably consider a “serious candidate” won’t make it on the debate stage because they’ll be edged out by Trump. That’s awesome.


This actually speaks many more volumes about Iowa’s retrograde 21st Century Republican Party and its slow descent into sheer madness, than it says about Trump’s popularity.

My home state has digressed to the point where The Donald’s anti-qualities now match that Tea-induced Iowa Republican madness more than ever before.

A match made in limbo…


I think he could. He has no personal honor that would restrict such a move. He also is not a logical guy. He runs on a toxic mix of bigotry, extreme narcissism, bellicosity, and a propensity to sue those who disagree with him.


Excellent point… especially if he stays near the top of the Republican clown-car pack, with is own money to blow and the best crew of man-marketers that easy/sleazy money can buy, there’s not an ad-revenue hungry media outlet out there that won’t lick his boots.

Jon Stewart retired too soon…maybe all this handy Trump humor will keep him on the scene a bit longer.

'nuff said