Discussion: Trump Plays With Pronunciation Of Puerto Rico In Hispanic Heritage Event

The way I saw it was that he was ridiculing the accent. He didn’t have to imitate the accent to pronounce the name of the island but he did, more than once. That’s not playing, that’s making fun of the name for his own sick amusement.
He is one sick fuck. I hope the legal beagles make his life as miserable for him as he has so many people in the short time he’s been in office. I hate waking up every day to find out what new messed up thing he’s done to the country. He’s disgusting.


Couldn’t have said it better.


President Donald Trump on Friday played with the pronunciation of Puerto Rico as he saluted Hispanic Heritage Month at the White House.

TRANSLATION: Trump played with himself while he saluted himself.

It was almost predictable. Being President forces a person to get out of their bubble, even if they resist, by the very nature of the job. You have to travel the country, the world, meet lots of different people, etc.

Puerto Ricans are no doubt a particularly troublesome group for Trump’s inner demons, because they have been a significant “Other” in NYC for a very long time.

So after visiting PR and being forced out of his bubble, he had to reinforce it strongly by publicly making fun in order to achieve the necessary balance in his demented brain.

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“I’ve seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are.”
— Michelle Obama


This presidentcy is more and more like a bad American remake of Fawlty Towers:

“Don’t mention the moron !”

Come on , he HAD to act the Moron - the cameras were on him , he was in the spotlight . After all , he IS a spotlight junkie .