Discussion: Trump Plans On Mentioning Carson's Pyramid Theory: It's 'A Strange Deal'

If Carson knew anything about present day Egypt, he would be all in with the jailing of journalists who pose inconvenient questions to the military government. As would all the rest of the clown car. So this is the upside of their utter ignorance.

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THe dead people were the ones that ate the grain that had gone bad!


Yea but Occam’s razors were really sharp…being stored in a pyramid and all…just sayin,…


God damn and I thought mainstream Republican ideas were batshit crazy.

And didn’t Noah tie off the ark to the top of the pyramids?..no wait…Noah came before Joseph…never mind…

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First Trump’s great wall, now Carson’s pyramids. What are we going to call this? The architecture election.


Don’t let contrary facts stop you. Go ahead with your own crazy theory. It’s the American way!

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I guess Carson is proof positive that having an MD doesn’t mean you have any curiosity or real interest in knowing stuff.

Carson isn’t on downers. That sleepy affect is just how he is.

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God works in mysterious ways…

I thought Trump was the one with pyramid schemes…or were Carsons vitamins sold through a pyramid scheme…and hey I though the build the pyramids so god would have somewhere to watch us from…

Man the SNL scripts will just write themselves this week!


When asked on Wednesday night if he stands by the theory, Carson told CBS News, “It’s still my belief, yes.”
He said that “the pyramids were made in a way that they had hermetically sealed compartments.”
“You would need that if you were trying to preserve grain for a long period of time,” Carson added, according to CBS.
Jeebus be praised!!!one!!!234$%#!!!

Now where’s my Obummer promised free T. Rex to ride to that job I don’t have anymore?
If Carson gets elected I hope the Joint Chiefs have the good sense to keep the nuclear codes themselves and let Carson have a fake set.


What’s the deal with saying everything is some sort of deal?

Is there anyone in the GOP who is disturbed by what Carson says?

Well, now there is where the real hermetically sealed impenetrable stone chambers are… Fright-Wing comments sections.

So does the GOP.


I think it means his meds had kicked in (or had worn off?)

He was right. Storage for grain. They were set up as re-supply depots for ancient (no more than 6,000 years) alien Starships as they passed though the galaxy populating planets with humans as food before they return to devour us all.

Simple as that.

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This puts a whole new twist to the traditional pyramid scheme.

Woo Hoo thank you…Biblical way too…then again, the true american way and christian way are one and the same aren’t they…silly me…