Links please. I believe it, I just want to see the accusations, as I’ve only heard of one woman claiming she was raped by Trump when she was underage, and I don’t believe there was any settlement or payoff in that case - which, by the way, is coming up for a hearing soon.
Color me skeptical that there are hordes of never before surfaced names of Clinton victims. This all was pretty thoroughly litigated in the 90s in the mainstream press, the Arkansas project, and by Ken Starr and Congress.
Well there was that time when Hill approached one of the women at a campaign HQ for Bill and smiled while she thanked her for helping and shook her hand. That woman stated flat out that she felt threatened.
After that I was nearly on the floor with laughter…
I predict that the Trump campaign will get hooked by a grifter with a phony claim.
I predict the Trump campaign won’t care, and will insist the grifter is telling the truth long after her story is debunked.
Direct from the Russian newspaper Sputnik International
Donny gets all his news from there
You need to do a bit of fact checking, particularly into backstories before assuming these folks are telling you the truth. I would suggest The Hunting of a President by Lyons and Conason to start. See also
“No, Mr. Clinton was not in Nizhiy Novgorod on Sept 23, 1981. He therefore did not rape 12 year old Natasha while her 80 year old grandmother watched”
About $70 million worth of investigations.
This is so absolutely, thoroughly disgusting. I don’t know how much more of this the country can take. November 8 cannot come soon enough, with a resounding failure for Trump.
And Broaddrick denied it the only time she was asked about it under pain and penalty of perjury, in an affidavit she submitted for the Paula Jones trial.
Please proceed, Donald.
Desperation; thy name is Steve Bannon.
There is an art to trolling. Being too obvious is ill-advised…but…hey…the troll got some of us (including me ) to make an observation.
Good luck using facts on a Republican.
This is right of of the epistemic closure playbook. If something crazy and disgusting isn’t working for you, that’s because you’re not doing it hard enough.
By this weekend the commodities market will suffer an unprecedented virtual buy out and total lack of availability of petards. For the first time in history.
Not so much desperation as pure distilled, self-destructive spite. “Trumpspite”
Well at least they will start with a legitimate forum hosted by a respected and unbiased journalist such as Hannity. That’s when you know this story is for real!
Well not as attractive as the behavior of the Donald. Although I have to say women do love watching other women being treated like they are nothing more than an extension of their husbands. We all know if a man cheats or acts inappropriately it’s because his women wasn’t good enough at home. Just ask Donald, Newt, Rudy…