Discussion: Trump Panel Of Advisers On Job Creation Includes Jamie Dimon, GM CEO

He’s not draining the swamp he’s stocking it…and everyone of um is obligated to serve in the best interest of STOCKHOLDERS and workers …never.

So what happens when their stocks surge in value as a result of being in this exclusive club of insiders with privileged information & access?


Yup, everyone of them knows the pain of the Rust Belt voter.


narrative matters.


Right now unemployment is at 4.6% across the board; 2.5% for college graduates. Statistically, it could get lower, but this is unlikely. The lowest rate was in May, 1953 when it was 2.5% at the height of the post war boom when manufacturing was in a golden age. Overall average for 1953 was 2.93%. It’s more likely that employment will hover around and stabilize at 4.5% or increase. If unemployment increases under Trump, as seems likely, if only due to regression to the mean, how will that be explained away?

But the question is where would this panel of experts suggest that new jobs come from? Barring that is some kind of reactionary keynesianism with work created by vast expenditures of public money?

Are there more wars in our future?


Jack Welch (!) knows an awful lot about creating new jobs in the rust belt.


Mary Barra is an incredible CEO and has done absolute wonders with GM. GM will also have the first affordable EV on the mass market soon. Trump could do far worse.

You know, like the CEO of blackrock.


Clearly a group of people who will have a singular focus on helping the middle-class and small businesses through policy designed to incentivize, encourage and facilitate increased salaries and better benefits for employees so that demand will finally increase and justify the creation of new jobs.


“I’m a winner. Always a winner. And I only hire the best winners. American will start winning again.” … and many of those voters think it’s fine. They thought it was fine, that’s why they voted for him.

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Trump: Hey, Jaimie, wanna be my Trez. Sec.?

Dimon: No. Donald, I don’t wanna be your anything. Now please take your hand off my daughter’s rear-end.

Trump. I never respected you, anyway, Jamie, and I take back the job offer. In “fact”, I never offered it! Nyah nyah!

Hillary had good, solid workable plans for helping out the rust belt and fossil fuel workers. They turned a deaf ear largely because her plans didn’t get an airing. So where are these new jobs going to be created, given that due to the financialization of our economy, workers are only considered a drain on the pocketbooks of companies, rather than as assets? Give them jobs in the mailroom at Goldman Sachs?


And he will.

Do you think Trump will actually seek advice from, or even listen to, any of the people he puts on that Strategic and Policy Forum?

No, they’ll go the way of the Trump campaign’s DC policy shop.


There’s nothing like putting a bunch of people who regard employees as a hindrance to profits on your job creation panel.

Just part of making America great again.


This news is certainly reassuring. I was afraid he’d fill the panel with people from the establishment.


You might recall a few years ago when Jack Welch shot his mouth off on TV claiming the government’s employment data was falsified to make Obama look good (and was roundly castigated by anyone who knows anything about the data). Well, now he has his chance to fix that!

America! FUCK YEAH!


You misunderstand.
Trump only wants to increase the employment opportunities for his own family. Thus this “Murders Row” of some of the most heartless Rentiers (Dimon, Schwartzman!) vicious job-cutters, (McMillion, Rometty) in the history of the USA along with the man who single-handedly destroyed the American Dream of a good job and pension to retire on (Jack “The Knife” Welch, REALLY?)
The unwashed masses who voted for Trump were just “Useful Idiots” in his plan for a Family Dynasty.
Trump also DESPERATELY wants to be “accepted” by these very same people (who all view him with contempt, but are willing to use HIM as a “Useful Idiot” for their own ends.)

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Trump at this moment is like an unpopular rich kid whose parents decided to put in a pool so other kids would want to come to the house. The kids who come over don’t like him any better than they did before, but hey, he’s got a pool.


Apparently GM, along with Ford, has invested a couple of mil in a plant in Mexico making their small cars. Jack Welsh is pretty close to senility. Anytime one of the execs from Wal-Mart are being asked their opinion, it’s NOT gonna be in favor of workers.

What do you wanna bet that they all come to a consensus that American workers are being paid way too much and that they unanimnously recommend abolishing the Federal minimum wage? I give odds by the end of next year.


and a fully stocked and unlocked BAR.

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