So Barrack is just a wee bit bats**t crazy.
Those statements are likely to hurt Barrack’s career. It’s pretty easy to understand how he and Manafort are friends.
I believe Barrack made much of his money in that part of the world and you know what they say about trying to convince someone of something when their financial interests lie in the opposite direction.
Can we deport him somewhere? Will Yemen take him?
So MSB’s atrocities are OK because Trump’s are worse. I see your point, but somehow can’t go all the way with you on that.
Asked about Khashoggi’s murder, Barrack said “whatever happened in Saudi Arabia, the atrocities in America are equal, or worse …”
Who among us, here in America, has not at one time or another, lured a WAPO reporter into a foreign Embassy, strangled him, cut up the body with a bone saw and then secreted the dismembered corpse to a safe location for disposal, or done something far worse?
We’ve never really heard Barrack speak or make remarks before. However, one can see that he’s an American oligarch whose loyalties are not to the United States but to his financial interests, which puts him much more in alignment with the oil rich autocrats of the Arabian peninsula. When Flynn was shopping the bonkers nuclear deal in the Middle East, Barrack was an enthusiast. He has been pulling a lot of strings not to make a buck, but to amass power and to tilt the balance of power to the these oil rich Middle Eastern autocrats. He’s a Bond villain.
“The atrocities in any autocratic country are dictated by the rule of law,” Gulf News reporter Ed Clowes quoted Barrack as saying. “So for us to dictate what we think is the moral code there, when we have a young man and regime that is trying to push themselves in to 2030, I think is a mistake.”
What the f is he trying to say here? Cultural relativism? Jesus Christ on a lead blimp!
That’s only one billionaire’s opinion. I’d like to hear from Howard Schulz, too.
“was an enthusiast.”
Can’t you just see Barrack petting his Persian cat, and planning a nuclear attack on Israel?
Presumeably he wasn’t cut in on the deal.
Soulless opportunist. He is doing a good job of defining what is wrong with this country. He represents a class of citizenry that has no ties to this country and maybe humanity as a whole. He must of worked hard to arrive at that rationale. It is the type of thinking that murderous regimes employ to legitimize said regimes.
Not really, but I can imagine him having a murder room in some palatial mansion somewhere.
No, he is just a grifter, trying to cash in on Trump via Saudi $$$$. He was the guy who technically oversaw the totally corrupt inaugural where foreign governments tried to bribe Trump.
All he is doing is increasing the USA for the S.D. of NY’s interest in his corrupt pay for access deals.
I already had a clue that Barrack was a few bats short of a belfry, because he is obviously a person of interest in the Mueller investigation, at a minimum, yet he has continued to operate and speak as if this were still 2016.
Not that different from what trump himself said during the campaign. “Putin’s a thug? Yeah? You think our hands are clean?”
This is how they think. Like mob bosses.
Asked about Khashoggi’s murder, Barrack said “whatever happened in Saudi Arabia, the atrocities in America are equal, or worse …”
First of all…didn’t the murder occur in Turkey?
Second of all, this Russian / Saudi et all adversaries and their “whataboutism” is a tired, old game that should have lost its’ effectiveness a long time ago.
What a craven idiot this guy is.