I think we all know how difficult it is to find housekeepers, cooks and waiters in South Florida. Especially in the winter.
I wonder how the H-1B visa distributions are going at Trump Winery in Virginia? I understand Eric the Gums was having a hell of a time finding qualified farm labor.
Not to worry. There are no qualified Americans who could do these jobs. It takes a lot of Manuel labor to keep one of these clubs going.
I think Drumpfie’s whole schtick is “do as I say, not as I do.”
This is the only accurate description I have found of the disconnect between his standards for himself and for everyone else.
WH: Made in America week. Well the application for theTrump Org. was “made in America.”
It’s time for very vocal demonstrations outside these clubs. People with signs like “Hire Americans first!” and “Locals need the jobs!” Even “I don’t want public assistance, I want a job!” Get the TV cameras out there. Make a noise. (Then form unions.)
I see what you did there.