I do not believe that. More importantly, I do not believe that Americans will accept that. Trump’s supporters, yes. Americans in general, no.
As we approach the General Election, look to more and more people who care about the future of the United States to increasingly speak up. Also look for those journalistic outlets which depend on customers with triple-digit I.Q.'s and a modicum of adult-thinking to decide that this threat to our country (Trump) is going to have to be exposed for who and what he is.
I’m mostly interested in this as a data point for my Zelig theory. I think Trump’s need for applause is so pathological that if you put him in front of any given audience, he’ll say whatever he needs to say to get the ego gratification. A few days ago he got the endorsement of a big police union and now he’s willing to throw a cop under the bus (the cop in question deserves it, but show me when that ever mattered to the police unions before). That is to say, Trump would never say this was a problem on a call-in to Hannity or in front of CPAC. He did this in a black prosperity gospel minister’s church.
I think if he were debating Hillary in front of a room full of liberals, he’d start attacking her exclusively from the left, just as an uncontrollable reflex.
There isn’t anyone Trump won’t throw under the bus. He goes around talking about how conditions in black communities are worse than Afghanistan but then is “troubled” when a police officer supposedly fearing for her life kills a black man. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way defending the police officer. In my mind she clearly unlawfully murdered the man. But Trump can’t have it both ways. He can’t stoke fear and anxiety about the black community and then attack someone for supposedly experiencing that fear and acting in accordance with it. He has no understanding that his words, as a national figure, have actual meaning to the lives of people in this country.
When have we seen him in this kind of exchange before? 90 minutes of sustained effort against one of the best-prepared candidates we’ve ever seen. It may not be the Can’t Talk - Flop Sweat freeze-choke, but he will repeat himself and lie so much that the MSM will have to call him out, OR fault Lester Holt (who I learned today is a registered R) for NOT calling him out on his lies.
“After the first GOP debate Jack Shafer, of Politico, ran the transcript of Trump’s remarks through the Flesch-Kinkaid analyzer of reading difficulty, which said they matched a fourth-grade reading level. One of Trump’s press conferences at about the same time was at a third-grade level.”
I’m sure that the number of blacks who will be swayed by the Oompa-Loompa being “troubled” at the Tulsa shooting will tally with the number of ovaries I have.
I keep hearing people equate The Creamsicle with Hitler. Although there are similiarirties with Hitler’s rise to power, he is more like
I just did a quick calculation about trump’s wall. The result is if it were made of concrete blocks 12"X8"X4" and set as 12" is the depth by 4" height and 8" long then a 20 foot high wall that is 2000 miles long would require something like 950,400,000 blocks. That would make Home Depot very happy indeed. The one would need to consider the foundation of said wall and negotiate where it would be placed. Then there is the required manpower. And time required. If a thousand blocks a day were set in the wall it would take 2600 years to construct.
Of course poured concrete could be used. Or metal panels… like these that already exist along the Arizona/Mexico border:
Why trump would want to reconstruct something that already exists is troublesome. Perhaps he has something more like this in mind when he speaks of a wall:
“Every once in a while, problems will happen,” Trump said.
Michael Brown, 14 bullets in his body from a six-shooter. Eric Garner, choked to death by a sworn peacekeeper for the crime of selling loose cigarettes to feed his kids. Laquan McDonald, 17 bullets in his body from a police six-shooter - while running away, no weapon, no threat. Sanda Bland, arrested and eventually hanged in her cell for failing to use a turn signal.
Yeah, “every once in awhile” American Citizens fear their police. But, yes, by all means, let’s tell our police to get tougher. They’re all so PC-limited they can’t even arrest people.
When will the media report what Trump is doing when he visits Black Communities and Churches, and says prepared remarks as he did today in Cleveland. We hear over and over about his “reaching out” to the black community, when in fact Trump is pandering, poorly and in an embarrassing way to try and soften his racist behaviors, attitudes, and comments over the course of his lifetime, and during this reality show campaign he is running. Not one MSM commentator on Cable or Broadcast news has “called it like it is.” Trump is groveling to African-Americans to look more “presidential” to suburban white moms. This strategy could only have been conceived and carried out by Fox News, or alt-right sites like Brietbart News — oh wait — Trumps campaign is being led by Kelly Conway, a Fox regular, Steve Bannon from Brietbart, and an assist from Roger Ailes. So it is a planned strategy of deceit and deception. Which is truly deplorable.