Hey Trump, I wouldn’t call what your fellow Republicans have been doing the last seven years “working.”
I think your new communications director had it right when he spoke about your contortionist in chief Steve Bannon.
Hey Trump, I wouldn’t call what your fellow Republicans have been doing the last seven years “working.”
I think your new communications director had it right when he spoke about your contortionist in chief Steve Bannon.
Now THAT is going to be interesting.
" The McCain Mutiny " !!!
Fun choice there. Sign the damn thing now or have your veto overridden—up to you, babe. Is it wrong that I’m smiling?
OK…I am now convinced the man is on drugs. Really. He wakes up in the middle of the night and THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL AND IT"S ALL OBAMA’S FAULT and then he drinks his orange juice and takes his meds and ‘It’s going to be fine!’. MAYBE the Mooch was really talking about Donnie when he ranted about ‘a f*ing paranoid schizophrenic’ and 'ck blocker’ .
Well, if that makes you feel better, OK…
For Trump, it’s kind of a loss either way. Smile away.
I turned out to be right.
So much winning…
This is only achieved because he contradicts himself on a daily basis. By taking every position imaginable, he can always claim that he “saw this coming” and predicted exactly the outcome.
So transparent but still able to “fool some of the people all of the time”.
Yes, and that beautiful plan of his would cover everybody (especially those with pre-existing conditions), have lower premiums and lower deductibles and be the best, ever super-duper healthcare plan there ever ever was. And trumpdog, you’re right: all this would start on Day One.
Oh those Deplorables - .I do so hope they are enjoying their unicorn…
They should have approved health care last night
Actually, they did.
And Donnie got two scoops of ice cream!
The LoserCare era commences!
Implode, explode…i’m not picky. A plode of any kind will be fine with me.
“The swamp. But, we’ll get it done. We’re going to get it done. You know, I said from the beginning, ‘let Obamacare implode and then do it.’ I turned out to be right. Let Obamacare implode.”
Deflated Trump will keep Long Island free…
Just wondering of everyone who bought those MAGA hats during the campaign can get a refund.
It seems like only yesterday, or maybe it was last Monday, that I heard him say, “You know, I go to Washington and I see all these politicians, and I see the swamp. And it’s not a good place. In fact, today, I said we ought to change it from the word swamp to the word cesspool, or perhaps, to the word sewer. But it’s not good. Not good.”
I must be mistaken.