Discussion: Trump On Obama's Mosque Visit: 'Maybe He Feels Comfortable There'

The leader of the American people should feel equally at ease in ANY house of worship, be it Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, or Buddhist.

Heh heh heh
Good way to start the day Sherlock. Tip 'o the hat!

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OMG Sherlock, a thousand thanks for this!
I think the under-the-chin bleat is the best!
I confess it took me a minute to click on it, but then I was/am addicted.

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I’ve attended holy services in about two dozen temples, shrines, mosques, churches, sacred places, etc. I felt comfortable and welcomed in all of them. What’s the big deal, Mr. Trump?

Well, probably not as comfortable as you and your current trophy wife blowing daddy’s money in the penthouse of one of your bankrupt casinos. But yeah, I’d say he was comfortable

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I saw this scrawled on my kids Middle School Social Studies presidential election project brainstorming wall “I beg you - Don’t elect Trump”. Wisdom from the mouths of children.

…hey, donnie. You’re not required to pay for communion up front.

Sorry Donald, but a sleaze-bag could never be accused of having anything to do with “class.”

Can’t believe tRump didn’t bother to register that domain name. Hah. Great link. Over 7.5 million Trumpeters blown at that asshole to date…Love it.

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Just heard two women on NPR “Here & Now” explain, why they support DT, hillarious !

They did not come across as very deep thinkers…