“I didn’t know anything about that…”
Darn, thought for a minute that we had him there.
“I didn’t know anything about that…”
Darn, thought for a minute that we had him there.
And unlike the other 8,000+ times to date, I am NOT LYING! Believe me!
The bits and pieces reveal a pretty ugly picture. Who doesn’t think the picture will look a lot worse when more details are known?
So he’s implicitly admitting Manafort conspired with Russia.
Next question: as such, will you promise not to Pardon him or on what basis would you Pardon someone who threatened our national security?
Why ask this compulsive liar anything?
With tRump, one must always rely upon independent confirmation for any facts.
His stance is an ongoing middle finger to constitutional government and representative democracy.
He thinks he’s ‘got game’ with the ongoing, daily, perpetual, prevarication.
talk about micro aggression. When someone lies to your face it’s a hostile act.
Profiles in courage and leadership… What a moron!
Right, Donnie. Just like that payment to Stormy Daniels.
During a press gaggle aboard Air Force One, Trump claimed he had no knowledge of the payment to Daniels. He also stated he did not know Cohen’s funding source. Here’s the exchange:
Reporter: “Mr. President, did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?”
Trump: “No. No. What else?”
Reporter: “Then why did Michael Cohen make those if there was no truth to her allegations?”
Trump: “Well, you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney. And you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.”
Put it this way: You couldn’t be Manafort and do the things he did without being extremely reckless. And amid all the reckless chicanery, would Trump needing to know (because he would) seem that dangerous? This is a guy who worked with Roger Stone for a long time, so he’s used to people who aren’t the soul of circumspection. I think a scenario in which Trump didn’t know the specifics of a given thing is possible, but not probable.
Liar, liar pants on fire.
It’s likely he was told but was, er, wasn’t given the specifics. “I love it!”
“I didn’t know anything about that,” he said Thursday
Mr. President, will you sit down and provide the same answer to the same question if it is posed to you by Robert Mueller?
As good as a confession.
He knew but he forgets a lot?. That’s going to be his defense.
Wait and see how Trump will go from the World’s Greatest Thinker to What Me? I’m just a delusional old fart unable to be indicted by any grand jury because of my condition. It’s the defense all conservatives trying to pull one on the IRS for evading their taxes. “I was supposed to tile a tax return? I’m so confused.”
And remember, we still haven’t seen Trump’s tax returns.
Since he has as his incoming Attorney General William Barr, the guy who advised George H.W. Bush to pardon all the Iran-Contra felons who threatened our national security, I doubt that he knows the answer to those questions yet.
And there is probably a record of a blocked call from Don Jr. as well.
His best brain is so busy remembering things he sometimes forgets.
What he doesn’t know about Manafort, Stormy, Cohen et al and what they’ve done exceeds what he knows about anything.
I hope in my lifetime someone says “Mr. President, why are you not telling the truth about knowing (fill in the blanks) when we have evidence of you saying (fill in the blanks) a month ago?”
Well, it almost worked for Scooter Libby.
‘I Didn’t Know Anything About That’
Trump doesn’t know anything. Who knew the coffee boy had access to the polling data?