Discussion: Trump On Kushner's Clearance: Jared's 'Outstanding,' But It's Up To John Kelly

No, if he had provided complete and accurate information, he’d be doing 12 to 15 years by now.


You just need to clear out your cookies once in a while. Strong recommendation - install and run the free version of CCleaner at least once a day (Google it).

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Trump just can’t take responsability for anything.

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My guess is that Kelly doesn’t have the balls to revoke either a security clearance for Jarhead or his wife, Ipana. Sad.


There’s a 35-year old man in my family dealing with it. Everyone’s at a loss.

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Shorter Trump: Jared is a criminal.

Since when does “outstanding” mean “indicted defendant”?

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I wonder what Trump would think if he found out that Cuck Kushner’s clearance was held up for the same reasons as Rob Porter? Would he still be outstanding? Would he still be able to get the peace in the Middle East gig? Monetize the Presidential Daily Brief?


Jared? Jared who?

–> Oh, that’s just some kid my daughter hangs out with.


Trump also… claimed that Kelly… inherited a “broken” security clearance system…
“It shouldn’t take this long,” Trump said, apparently referring to the process of receiving a permanent security clearance.

–> We apologize for the delay, which in this case was caused by Vladimir Putin’s arm imbedded in Jared’s backside far enough for him to gain a chokehold on Jared’s aorta.


Jared’s out standing there in the bushes with Amerosa, Spicey, Gorkie, Branson, Flynn, Manafort, Gates, various UN-patriotic CIA FBI NSA, Salvation Army people . . .

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“He works for nothing. Nobody ever reports that. He gets zero. He doesn’t get a salary”

Which makes it even more suspect. If he isn’t getting cash, WTF is he getting out of this?

It sure as fuck is not out of duty to public service or the country (and to be clear I am referring to the United States of America).


He’s hoping for a little help with that $1.3 Billion loan that comes due next month, don’t you think? I recall he met, recently, in private, with a Saudi Princeling, no? And he wanted to set up a private communication channel with that guy in… oh, you know, that country that’s just East of the Ukraine… what’s his name.


It was there all the time. Right in front of me.

The key to fabulous wealth is to work for nothing. How stupid could I possibly be?


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I won’t be surprised in the slightest if Jared gets indicted for espionage, passing classified into to the russkies.


Thank you. I’ll sure check it out.

The Security Clearance System wasn’t broken. Trump had no idea he had to hire 130 White House employees, and never submitted any to the FBI until he took office. President Obama, on the other hand, a real politician with policy chops and a serious staff even as a candidate, submitted potential White House employees and agency people to the FBI prior to the election, so that the Security Clearance background checks could begin. I so wish the White House Press Corps would point this out to Donald Trump when he makes up fake history and total shit about why he and his administration are basically total fucking amateurs. “A finely tuned machine…”


tRump would never be able to get security clearence himself. It is only because he’s Potus, is all, with all his treasonous, backroom, debauched dealings. And there he sits, like a brain-damaged potentate, barking soliloquies

The rot starts from the head…

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“That’s one nice job you have, General Kelly” Trump said. “Be a shame if something happened to it…”

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