Discussion for article #245321
Arapio’s endorsement, Donald, means that you are the nuttiest nut on the tree, nothing more.
Arpaio’s crime stats are actually the worst in Arizona. All mouth, no brain, no action.
Dumb, meet dumber.
Not really, you’re the second banana wing nut to Arpaio.
No Donnie. It means a racist sheriff who lives a good 200 miles NORTH of the Mexican border endorsed you. it says zilch about how tough you are. Look at a map Donnie. Phoenix is in central Arizona. It’s not on the border. Maricopa County is not on the border.
Bull corn…It means you have no endorsements from credible of consequence people…Falwell jr, half-gov sarah, and joArp…Are 3rd tier at best…Your unfavorables are at 60% as reflected by those who stand with you!!!
As reflected in your history!
Show of hands—whoever doesn’t think he’s paid for every endorsement he’s gotten so far. Anybody? Nobody? That’s what I thought.
How are you going to feel when they “perp walk” sheriff joe to prison this summer? After he loses his 100th court case?
He costs Maricopa county about 50 million (tax payer) bucks a year with all the lawsuits (and the idiots continue to re-elect him) of illegal searches, profiling the non-whites, not investigating hundreds of rapes, etc.
Hopefully, this case will be the one that finally throws this foolish criminal in prison, once and for all.
I think this will probably be a factor in his Iowa delegate count, too, but not as poorly done as it happened in the last Republican Iowa caucus…
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that his endorsement from Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio means he’s the “toughest on the border.”
No, Donnie, it means offensive racist fuckwits support their own.
Sorry, my first cup of coffee hasn’t kicked in—are you saying lack of endorsements will hurt him in a way the polls aren’t reflecting, sort of like his ground game? I know 538 factors in endorsements when they make predictions.
Isn’t Arpaio under investigation for some sort of misuse of office? Is his endorsement a foreshadowing of what a Trump administration would represent?
No, I mean his Iowa delegate count might involve grease.
Certainly possible. He wouldn’t hesitate for a moment over the ethics of it and he just may be feeling invulnerable enough to risk jail. Which makes me say “Mmmmmm” like Homer Simpson thinking about doughnuts.
We all wish t rump would be on the border and stay there.
Grease. Some left, even with all the toys shipped to Oregon?
did he present him with an embroidered set of pink jail clothes?