Discussion: Trump On General Election: 'I’m Liking The Way I Ran In The Primaries Better'

“Personally, I don’t know if that’s what the country wants.”

Russia, the CSA?? Who, exactly, does he think “the country” is populated with?


That’s right, Donald. No more Mr. Nice Guy!


He’s giving it away that he’s more interested in the post election grifting than he is winning. By keeping up with his schtick he will keep his base happy and ready to buy Trump Steaks, attend Trump U, and whatever other Trump branded idiocy he has up his sleeves.


It seems to me that we’re now seeing the true Rump impact on downballot races vis. him.

In IA, Marist has Rump/Clinton as a tie but Grasshole is running away with his race. Triple P has Clinton ahead in NC but Burr is slightly edging out Ross. If this holds, the Dems might have a problem in the Senate. But it’s pretty clear that many Rethugs understand the point that Rump is out for himself and are focusing on Congress.


You are so far removed from what America wants that you will never see it. You–and your rotten to the core party–have constructed a narrative of a hateful, fearful, racist America. That not the America I live in. That not the America I would ever want to live in.


Face it Donald. We don’t like you. We don’t want you. We know who you are. You ran the Primaries like a bully and the rest of the country watched in horror. We still are watching you.


This is gonna qualify as the worlds longest, slowest moving, train wreck.
Drumpf keeps setting the stage of wild rationalizations as to why he got whomped by a girl.


Re-quoted without comment:
“All I can do is tell the truth,” Trump told Time.


“I’m liking the way I ran in the primaries better.”

“I’m a results guy. I get results. I pay attention to results. And what I did with my hammer back in the primary worked. It got results. The general election is just another nail, I promise you. All you people telling me to cut the shit and pick up a screwdriver don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. My hammer is yuuuge and gets results. It’s unbelievable you’d think otherwise after the results I got in the primary. Unbelievable.”


Take off the gloves, Donald!!!

You KNOW you want to!


Welcome to the big leagues, Donnie. You’re up against people who really know what they are doing.


“Personally, I don’t know if that’s what the country wants.”

You’re absolutely right, Donald. You need to give these people what they want.

Don’t listen to anybody else, either—these folks are the key to your success. Give them succor. Bring them up onto the stage with you. Let them speak into your microphone. Give them a voice. It’s your key to victory in November, I swear.


Here’s the problem Donnie in the gop primaries only gop voters got to vote. Those voters loved your rhetoric. Problem is in the general everyone gets to vote and he’s finding out that everyone outside his gop bubble doesn’t like his act so much. And whether he knows it or not he will a lot more than just the voters of the gop in order to win.


That’s a good point. For reference, compare what happened when Paul Dean was revealed to be another southern racist who believed she wasn’t racist because she was oblivious to her own racism the way a fish is unaware that it’s wet. If I remember correctly, the southern Teatroll types that make up Trump’s core constituency went out of their way to buy her products, causing her profits to rise.


“I am now listening to people that are telling me to be easier, nicer, be softer. And you know, that’s O.K., ***and I’m doing that.***"

I genuinely don’t know if he actually believes this or if it’s something he’s saying just to prep an excuse. I guess it hardly matters at this point.


The people that support Trump are the same people that supported Palin. You’d think they would have learned their lesson after watching Palin flame out.


People who are inclined to buy snake oil will keeping trying new vendors. Each previous failure was “wrong kind of snake” or something similar.


Well, no shit you liked the way you ran in the primaries better. All you had to deal with were the poorly educated.


Not a chance of that happening. They know they’ve been done dirty, and by God they’re gonna get theirs back, ‘cuz that’s the way it’s been, and that’s the way it’s gonna be! (cf, eg, George Wallace) What they refuse to deal with is that little ol’ thing called ‘demographics’ - another liberal, elitist lie to their way of…er…thinking.