At Least ‘I Will Be There, Awake, - AND STARK RAVING IRRATIONAL - To Answer The Call!’
Again, God, if you’re up there, please…enough with this. End this, mercifully. I cannot listen to this asshole anymore.
Tweaker hours.
It’s time for the Tyrell people to come clean. No human could be grown this unaware.
If Merkel talks smack aboUt America not being So greaT after TrumpS made America great (again), AT leaSt trumP will bE awake to faT shaMe Merkel in a 3 am tweet storm.
Bullshit. He’ll be too busy tweeting to answer the call.
“But sir, the Russians have just …”
“Not now, you idiot, I’m tweeting about that b*tch Rosie O’Donnell!”
“I’ll be halfway through a 5-day meth high with Secretary of the Interior Alex Jones, but I’ll be awake. Believe me.”
Oh, he’ll be there at 3 a.m. alright. I’ve seen the video!
That’s what we’re afraid of.
Awake, yes, but that’s only part of the equation.
ADVISOR: Sir, we’re being attacked in Benghazi.
TRUMP: That fat whore doesn’t know how good I treated her.
I know I’m always at my very best after an emotionally charged 21 hour day.
If America wants a president who never sleeps, we should have elected Giuliani of the Living Dead back in 2008.
…and ready to hate-tweet _______(foreign leader/dignitary/ambassador).
With my bath robe open…
“For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o’clock in the morning, at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!” he tweeted.
Yes, awake and sitting in front of a pile of blow with a straw in one hand and your dick in the other. That’s exactly who I want leading the country and making decisions in a time of crisis.
Why am I thinking Howard Hughes in the later days?
at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!
You win, Trump. I admit you are qualified. If someone needs a drug dealer, I’ll put a word in for you.