Since its founding in 2015, according to tax filings obtained by the Climate Investigations Center and reported in February, the CO2 Coalition has received more than $1 million from “energy executives and conservative foundations that fight regulations,” including huge sums from the Mercer Family Foundation and the Charles Koch Institute.
Bought and sold in the fine American tradition
These are the only people who deny it , those who have a vested interest in Fossil fuels and who profit by their continued use
The rest of us have a vested interest in breathing and not destroying te planet
Too late. The world has moved past the deniers. Even the hardcore letter writers in my local paper have finally given it up, and Republicans are becoming fearful on the issue.
Just another Trump airhead denier…
Fine, keep pretending that you’re being professional and are engaged in some academic debate, but FFS don’t use that Jew analogy. It’s very ridiculous and inappropriate.
May all the climate skeptics opt to sink their life savings into real estate and buy ocean front property.
You don’t have to believe in Climate Change.
Climate Change believes in You.
In emails with the “consultants,” Happer revealed that Peabody Energy had paid the CO2 Coalition $8,000 for his testimony before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.
“The largest U.S. coal producer filed for bankruptcy protection in April 2016, after a sharp drop in coal prices left it unable to service debt of $10.1 billion. The company said it had reduced its debt by more than $5 billion since March 2016.Apr 3, 2017” Reuters
So while Peabody was trying to stave off bankruptcy and shiving coal miners they were paying CO2 Coaltion to testify before Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Assholes
"Carbon dioxide is actually a benefit to the world, and so were the Jews.”
Just guessin’ here but I’d say that there are at least some Jewish people who would be quite offended being compared to carbon dioxide. Of course this insane sh*thead thinks he’s being - uh, magnanimous.
I understand why dumbasses like Donald and his followers promote bullshit. But I really don’t understand how someone that is supposedly educated, especially in science, can push bullshit when they know it’s wrong, know it will fuck people over, know it could fuck things up for them and they could make almost as good a living by promoting true things.
The CO2 Coalition. I’ll just let that hang there stinking in the sun.
Ah, that’s where you’re getting confused.
There’s MUCH more money on the Dark Side.
Hell, the Empire had enough money to build not one but 2 planet-sized Death Stars.
Whereas the Rebellion had enough to get some old transport ships and a handful of X-wings.
No comparison on the economics.
“More CO2 will benefit the world,” Happer emailed the “consultants” in response after attacking “the climate-change cult.” He added: “The only way to limit CO2 would be to stop using fossil fuels, which I think would be a profoundly immoral and irrational policy.”
Profoundly immoral?? What the everloving F?? This is so truly insane it really defies understanding given that this person is credentialed (not just a crazy uncle locked up in the attic).
Let me put it like this: The United States Military already considers climate change to be an issue for national security. Im’a gonna side with them on this topic.
Only the best troglodytes
Let the record show that these energy executives and conservative foundations that fight
regulations, including the Mercer Family, David and Charles Koch, William Happer, Fox News, Briebart, and of course Donald Trump and his family, should they succeed in suppressing efforts to reverse climate change (global warming) shall all be guilty of murder in the extinction of all humanity.
Don’t fucking tell donnie, or he’ll make them shred all of their research, and we’ll have to start all over in 2021.
Next we need some flat-earther heading NASA. Insulting and dangerous.
Finally. Need some perspective aside from the damned globists who can’t perceive the petri dish that we’re clearly floating around in. Sheesh.
Love and hold your children and grandchildren because their lives are in grave danger. As predicted CO2 is not longer the major player, methane is and it is increasing fast.
Maybe scientific advisers who claim there’s no reality to global warming should be required to buy ocean front property in Florida.