Discussion: Trump Now Says Claim That Obama Was ‘Founder Of ISIS’ Was ‘Sarcasm’

So let me try to understand this:

According to Trump, Obama, the socialist Muslim commie, who had Osama Bin Laden killed and who ordered successful hits on many OBL associates, has now pivoted and formed ISIS.

According to Trump’s followers: Yep, Trump is right, the logic makes sense since he tells it the way it is. No lies here. And you can’t convince them otherwise.

Okay, I need painkillers already.


This excuse would maybe work for a child…once or twice.

Such bold, mature leadership for the Gop. They must be so proud. (Now THAT’s sarcasm.)


There’s a part of the Hugh Hewitt broadcast that wasn’t as widely quoted as the exchange where Trump rejected Hewitt’s helpful offer of context. It went like this, from Josh Voorhees’s account at Slate:

Hewitt then countered one last time by suggesting that he personally would use “different language” to communicate the same criticism. Trump’s response was remarkable for its awareness. “But they wouldn’t talk about your language,” he told Hewitt, “and they do talk about my language, right?”

Truth or falsity simply don’t matter at all, one bit, to Trump. And as much as normal people are on the alert for liars and bunko artists, we rarely encounter a person like him who just doesn’t care whether what he says is true. All he cares about is whether it makes people pay attention to him. He doesn’t see that it’s problematic because he’s crazy. In his value system, only attention has worth. Being considered honest has no worth at all. He doesn’t really grasp why it would matter to anyone. We’re not used to that. And many of us are gullible enough to think a person who says outrageous, shocking things constantly is a person who “says what he thinks.”

Shaking my head.


Trump also tweeted “I love watching these poor, pathetic people (pundits) on television
working so hard and so seriously to try and figure me out. They can’t!”

Well. Donny boy, it’s not just the pundits that can’t figure you out. Neither can the American people.


I bet you could score some from Reince Priebus.


So now it was sarcasm? Maybe all the Trumpies that were spouting B.S. the past few days supporting Trump’s claim about Obama founding ISIS can now tell us why they didn’t know Trump’s claim was just “sarcasm” and not a real belief of Trump. Maybe Rudy Gagliani can tell us.




Trump is mentally ill. Anyone who supports him is mentally ill.


rePukes have nominated an orange Rush Limbaugh for president. Consequently Orange Hitler’s campaign has obligated the MSM to “listen” and mainstream all the ignorance, stupidity and venality the Hate Porn RWNjs have been slurping up in their wing nut bubble for years.
The Hate Porn RWNJ “Sarcasm” defense- a variant of their “lubruls don’t has a sense of humor” defense- is going to look awfully stupid and weak after we have to listen to it for three months.
Really, Orange Hitler’s rallies are 40 minute Hate Porn radio shows, exact pitch perfect versions of Fascist Pig Michael Weiner Savage or his soulmate Vulgar Fascist Pig Mark Levin. Three months of America’s press corp and media trying to explain Pig Man Limbaugh? Not pretty. Get popcorn.

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I think we have to face the very real possibility that on November 9, Trump will explain that his whole campaign for the last year and a half was sarcasm.


I heard this same type of thing yesterday on MTP Daily from Kellyanne Conway and her too small shirt, while she and Chuck Todd were yelling at each other. They gauge the reactions from Trump’s audiences, if it gets the reaction then they want then he keeps using it. Trump is not running for CIC he’s running for Comedian In Chief, hence Pence for VP.


I have admired President Obama greatly throughout his two terms in office. But the way he has goaded Donald Trump into shredding every last remnant of his dignity has been nothing short of masterful.
Thank-you, Mr. President, thank-you.


Hillary’s a fine person. I like Hillary. She’s a good lady. I’ve gone to her parties. Really, really good lady. I mean that. I’ve always said that.


The joke gone bad is “Donald Trump and the GOP that nominated him for POTUS”.
Breaking News: Popcorn supplies face serious shortage heading into the Fall.


And now the media will argue if he was being sarcastic


He is unable to say he screwed the pooch. It always has to be someone else’s fault. I’m expecting that he’ll blame the next Donnie-esque situation on the guy/gal running the teleprompter.

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It’s been hard to believe anything Trump says, now it’s confirmed: don’t ever believe this bully and liar.

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I’m sorry, but this time I think he’s got a point. I don’t think he actually thinks the President and Clinton “founded” ISIS. He was being sarcastic. He was being a sarcastic asshole – which is what he does (and is very much in keeping with his NY braggadocio persona). But I agree with @smiley, it’s not presidential, it’s not diplomatic and I don’t want that running my country.

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This is the sort of blatant double-standard that ought to be headline news. But I bet few if any of the media will follow up with Rudy and those who were supporting Drumpf’s absurd claim either. Because they don’t want follow-up with facts per Chuck Todd…and it would upset the GOPers. And if any media do follow up it will be deeply buried news…not headlines.

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Oh lil’ Donny! What a scamp, huh?

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