Discussion: Trump: 'Nothing To Apologize For' Over Muslim Ban Rhetoric During Campaign

From this week’s Economist. Sounds familiar:
Saudi Arabia is pushing out foreigners to create jobs for locals

Labour pains,” tuts Ahmed Kattan, the deputy labour minister. As part of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s “Saudisation” efforts, Mr Kattan has slapped monthly levies on migrants (based on the size of their families) and the Saudis who hire them. He has also barred foreigners from 12 sectors of the economy, including baking and optometry. The scheme, he says, will reduce the kingdom’s dependence on about 8m predominantly unskilled foreigners, who far outnumber Saudi workers. He reckons this will cut Saudi Arabia’s jobless rate to 10% by 2022 (from around 13% today), get more women into work and encourage automation.

Finding jobs for young Saudis—around half of whom are unemployed—is critical for Prince Muhammad, who is the power behind the throne. Having taken on the kingdom’s clerics, by loosening social restrictions, and alienated other princes by consolidating power, he is more reliant on popular support than past Saudi rulers were. Easing dress codes and increasing entertainment has won him praise. Saudisation, it is hoped, will improve his subjects’ living standards, too.

But there are drawbacks, admits Mr Kattan. Many of the kingdom’s businesses rely on cheap labour. Rather than employ Saudis, who cost more and do less, around a third of firms may close, he says. Across the country, chambers of commerce groan at the potential contraction and beg for a respite, particularly since the economy fell into recession last year. “The government is passing on its political problems to the private sector,” gripes a businessman.


Duh. Trump hasn’t once in his entire miserable, mentally ill, narcissistic, self-serving, unforgivably corrupt life EVER…NOT ONCE…felt there was anything for which he needed to apologize.


But yet people in the media seem to think everyone should apologize to him


Interesting comment. I’m sure that SG, Noel Francisco was very happy to hear that Trumpie just demolished the SG’s argument in front of the SCOTUS that what Trumpie said about Muslims and Islam in the campaign should be ignored because his outlook has transitioned with his appointment, by the electoral college, to the presidency.


But by all means, let’s light our hair on fire over something a stand-up comedian said over the weekend.


Nothing to apologize for here

I constantly find myself muttering the words from Christopher Moore that capture the day to day oozings from our president…

”Lies and fuckery. Lies and fuckery.”


Trump is laughed at and we are laughed at all over the world for electing him POTUS.


So sayeth President Buffoon, for the millionth time.


It’s a good point. Another one is the Newsweek article on the Republican candidate for the US senate in CA. He’s an actual nazi who supports expelling all Jews from the country (and that would presumably also mean no re-entry and no immigration). His candidacy closely resembles Justice Kagan’s hypothetical about a candidate campaigning against Jews and then enacting a ban days after entering office. Her point is that campaign rhetoric would matter in that case so why shouldn’t it matter in the case of Muslims?


Elections have consequences. People have to vote. While I think Neal Katyal won the legal argument before SCOTUS, the fact is that there are 5 Justices who are looking for ways to support Trump instead of rejecting his appeal outright (as should be the case). The courts may not save us on this issue even though (in my view) if they follow the actual law they should. SCOTUS is as much a political as it is a legal body.


Real question… has Trump changed (transitioned) and how? When I think on it, I do think he has changed. …

From early on being… “what the fuck am I doing here, I am going to burn down anything Obama, lie my ass off, and just keep moving”.

And shifted to a manic flip flopping of… giddiness - “well sheeeeit, I am getting away everything and the Repubs are terrified of me, I am king!”… and rage - “how dare they keep attacking me, I will destroy all these investigations!”.


and your deplorables truly are deplorable, no need for apologies there, let the “non-elitists” stew over being called out for the BS

freedom of speech applies to the government not prosecuting one for calling out the president’s lies, it does not present a guarantee of respect for ignorant speech, I suppose the deplorables ought to get on the 28th Amendment - be respectful of ignorant statements amendment

I suppose it’s stating the obvious to say that the Muslims are to Trump what the Jews were for Hitler: a convenient group on to which we can displace our hatreds of non-white, non-Christian and “foreigners” to boot.


No one’s laughing about our immigration laws. They may be laughing at how little Trump understands about them, what few facts he has about them. They might be wondering what terrible experience he had - probably as a child - where he was laughed at, because if you’ve been paying attention, nothing riles Trump up more than the possibility that he’s being laughed at.

Maybe we should all laugh more. At him. See what happens.

He tries to make it about the country, or about the laws, but somewhere in the deeper parts of his reptilian brain, he knows people are laughing at him.

Me, personally, I don’t find anything funny about him. Not his clear hatred for women, his corrupt business practices, his stiffing of contractors, the tragedy that he managed to reproduce, his animus toward people of color, Muslims, anyone LGBTQ, anyone named Clinton, Obama or Pelosi, his weird attraction to his own daughter, his lies about election fraud, his ever-present narcissism, his toxic paranoia - none of it is funny. Not even a little bit.

He apologizes for nothing, because of his overblown sense of always being right. If I were a world leader who wasn’t a tyrant and an autocrat, I wouldn’t want to have my picture taken anywhere within the same zip code where Trump is.

My skin crawls. My jaw clenches. I still can’t believe someone of his ilk is actually the president - and millions of people apparently adore him. Whatever is wrong with him, what’s wrong with those people?

Ugh, sorry - this had little to do with Trump not apologizing for his hateful rhetoric, but I guess for me, it’s all of a piece: you can’t talk about it in isolation.


Trump can’t apologize for proposing “a total and complete shutdown of Mooselims entering the United States” (temporary or otherwise). It’s precisely that kind of overt bigotry that got him the GOP nomination, and the White House.
A racist to the core.


Come on!!!
We need Mueller to fire this whole thing up. It’s becoming routine, repetitive and boring reading and listening to the same crap over and over again.
We need new and improved words like, search warrants, Indictment, impeachment, guilty, .treason, obstruction, DOJ activated, resigning, house arrest, Rico etc.
I know, we hear them once in a while. I would prefer them all day everyday till I get sick of them instead of the same ole same ole. lol


Someone should remind him that John Roberts is on the court (50/50)

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Of course not. Trump sees himself as a god incarnate walking on the Earth. Completely infallible and never does anything that merits an apology, . . . . except for his despicable, miserable existence.


Trump apologizes for nothing and never corrects his litany of lies. He’s a terrible human being.