Discussion: Trump Not Happy With Contempt Vote On Barr, Ross: GOP 'Will Remember!'

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Republicans will remember!

DUH… As if you need to say anything to make Republicans remember that they NEVER vote for anything that the Democrats want, unless it is in their best interest.

I wish Democrats (especially the front-runner) would remember that Republicans will never compromise.


as leader of the american fascist party the abomination has made his threat. he will make certain this nation suffers further for demanding fascists obey our laws.


not getting anything done on drug prices.

OMG that’s rich, a real knee-slapper. Dubya was all over it, and cheetoh twittler was gonna handle it like day 1, and then there were 2 years of republican control of both houses and the WH, but it’s the dems fault we get ripped off on drug prices.




We need to “Reach across the aisle” with a spiked baseball bat


“In the meantime they are getting NO work done on Drug Pricing, Infrastructure & many other things.”

Maybe the grim reaper can tell you why.
But seriously, Dems need powerful messages to show the fact to the public. Working hard without boasting is not a good strategy.


Democrats are playing a “tougher game” than the GOP did when they had control of the House.

The difference between a House of sycophantic enablers and a House that demands some accountability and adherence to the general tenets of governance in a democratic republic. Nobody knew presidenting could be so complicated.


“Republicans will remember.”

How? By obstructing all legislation passed by the House? By blocking a Democratic nominee to SCOTUS? By suppressing Democratic voters? By stealing elections?

When you’re already flooring the pedal, really not much more you can do.


“Democrats are playing a “tougher game” than the GOP did when they had control of the House.”

Has there been any rethug leader who had to speak for eight hours to ask for a debate? Rethugs were hostile towards Dems when they were in power.


ahh … the enemies list …

being on it will become akin to receiving the Medal of Freedom —

[ hindsight will play into that ] —


It’s in the news, but you have to look for it, sadly. The goddamn Elaine Chao scandal isn’t even making it to front pages - the biggest one yet. With 24/7 media, you’d think we could do both but apparently not.


All this life form knows how to do is issue threats. That’s his great “businessman” ability.


Basically everything Trump does and says indicates that he thinks Republicans shouldn’t be held to legal standards.

That’s what you get when your entire party coalesces around a criminal.


Yup. Much as I adore Obama, this was truly a significant flaw of his. I mean, I understand that his heart was in the right place and I understand that he wanted to try to have a more civilized conversation, but he so vastly (and so fatally) underestimated the viciousness of the GOP…for which we are now paying the price.

That being said: Hair Twitler, the DEMs will also remember your vile and lawless “reign” as well as the evil sycophancy and spinelessness of the Gooper Cult of Trump.


I’ll just leave this here (David Letterman podcast after he was reminded Trump was on his shows 30+ times):

“More than 30? Wow! You’re welcome, America."
“I had no sense that he was the soulless bastard that he’s turned into,” Letterman said on the podcast.
“He used to be kind of like the boob of New York that pretended to be wealthy, or we thought was wealthy, and now he’s just a psychotic,” Letterman told THR. “Is that putting too fine a point on it?”


I only wish we were playing a tougher game.

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Like what?

.@SenateMajLdr McConnell: As long as I'm Senate leader, Democrats' 'socialist schemes' won't become law. https://t.co/s5etMY9xxH

— Senator McConnell Press (@McConnellPress) June 12, 2019

Rossalyn , DO go away .

He knows if the contempt charges go to court and are overruled AGAIN he’s going to lose his executive privilege defense…and he’s scared…If was his personal counsel id be really worried…

He sure has pushed the inside of the envelope and hi

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It is creeping Pinko Commie Socialism Slippery Slope on a Stick this Fairness thing you Democrats all speak of.