And a lot of citizens agree with Trump here. They are just laughing in the face of the crisis. I’m surrounded by morons who think buying a Mad Max style 4 door diesel truck is a good move.
ETA: The more I think about it the more that series of movies is looking like a documentary that fell through a wormhole.
“Something could happen with respect to the Paris Accord, we’ll see what happens,” he said at a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron. “But we will talk about that over the coming period of time. And if it happens, that will be wonderful. And if it doesn’t, that’ll be OK, too. But we’ll see what happens.”
here I am sitting in the oval office, pen in hand, if the Senate doesn’t pass the Paris Accord, I will be very angry!
'“Something could happen with respect to the Paris Accord, we’ll see what happens,” ’ This is the Trump Doctrine in a nutshell.
“But we will talk about that over the coming period of time. And if it happens, that will be wonderful. And if it doesn’t, that’ll be OK, too. But we’ll see what happens.”
We need different reactions to choose from. Here’s mine.
Something could happen, we’ll see what happens.
The bold new look of American leadership in the world!
He’s the boy in class who didnt read the book, but has to answer questions. He’s always that boy
What an asshole. Suuuuure it’ll be OK, when hell freezes over, or the heavens are on fire. Its not like the US can leave the planet and start over on some other celestial body. We’re all connected, moron. What part of that don’t you get? Self-centeredness has really reached an apex with this jerk.
This isn’t something you try to leverage, like a fucking business deal or building an ostentatious and gaudy-looking building. You’re either in or you’re out. You’ve chosen the latter, to no one’s surprise but to everyone’s disappointment. Most of us in the US, wants in on this Climate Treaty…
Saw this pic on DailyKos…I love it because it just about sums up where we’re heading.
and mine is this:
Trump (or any modern day Republican): “well many people are saying that a trillion ton iceberg breaking off from Antarctica is a serious thing. Well I’m not a scientist, but I’m not sure if that’s the case…”
Chaffetz apparently said “Well, the weather changes every day”, in reference to the iceberg breaking off.
I always knew when one of my parents said “we’ll see” it either meant “no”, or they had no idea what they wanted to do about something and were just trying to put off for tomorrow what they didn’t want to deal with today. Basically, a stall tactic with no discernible outcome.
“What I have said repeatedly is I’m not a scientist,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) told a Kentucky sports radio show.
Did he really? I really hate that guy. Probably the second smarmiest asshole that was ever in Congress behind Ted Cruz. So glad he’ll be gone, if he isn’t already. Let him speak to the tRumpanzees over at Faux. They’re all one of a kind. Cult Katsch.
This comment alone just negated billions in investments in technologies that would improve our environment and our economy. So much for our “businessman” president and “pro-business” administration.
So President Macron how many visas do you have for US scientists and engineers?
OT: Under the new health care bill, Ted Cruz’s scam insurance would not qualify as continuous coverage. Thus, if you selected one of those plans then wanted to switch to actual insurance, you’d be required to wait six months.
He already made a pitch on video to US scientists to go to France. This guy’s not pulling any punches.
I posted yesterday that I hoped Macron would find a way to troll trump or find a way to just make him look foolish…
““Something could happen with respect to the Paris Accord, we’ll see what happens,” he said at a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron. “But we will talk about that over the coming period of time. And if it happens, that will be wonderful. And if it doesn’t, that’ll be OK, too. But we’ll see what happens.””
We’ll be OK either way?? No Donnie it doesn’t work that way. Reality doesn’t let you have it both ways. trump says “we’ll see what happens”. I would remind him a huge iceberg broke off Antarctica just yesterday which is a strong indication that the planet is in fact warming. trump may live long enough to see Mar-a-Lago under water.
" Macron was harshly critical, as were many world leaders, of Trump’s announcement on June 1 that he did not intend to honor the United States’ commitments as part of the climate deal, in which nations set individual emissions goals that are voluntarily enforced. The same day of Trump’s announcement, Macron appealed to American climate scientists and others concerned about global warming to move to France, delivering a speech and launching a website calling to “make our planet great again,” a sly reference to Trump’s campaign theme, Make America Great Again."
Once again, I would like to say that Macron seems to have fulfilled what I wanted. And there are still a couple days left for this Bastille Day trip to France.
The Dotard can expect tot croak over before global warming destroys his golf courses. Pence is looking forward to Armageddon to moot climate change effects. McConnell thinks it is a plus on his resume’ that he in not a scientist. Ryan is just a common sewer rat. So yes. The regime will take no positive steps and more likely will make it harder for States and private sector businesses to implement solutions.
Real business leaders look on adversity as an imperative to change for the better. The current regime is giving away the U.S. leadership and innovation just to spite President Obama. The world will not be beating a path to our door anytime soon.