Discussion: Trump Nixed WH Statement Praising McCain, Opted To Post On Twitter Instead

I endorse the disgust expressed by my fellow commentators. Trump has broadened his stain and expanded his stink with his decision to deny Presidential recognition of a fine human being and patriot. I would simply hope that no one would attend a White House briefing on the day that John McCain is laid to rest and there would be no reporting of any kind on Trump that day. Let his tweets go unrecognized by anyone but Fox. Our ears and eyes are too precious to be wasted on such trash. Let us save our attention for the two Presidents invited to speak at the funeral. I expect that George W. Bush and Barack Obama will move us closer together as Americans with their words, while the selfish person set upon dividing us for his benefit sits deservedly alone.


White House flag back at full staff less than 48 hours after John McCain’s death


DJT: I’m committing suicide!

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like so many other things, completely outrageous yet completely predictable


At this late date there’s not much point trying to outdo yourself in expressing contempt or disgust. Mark Singer did a New Yorker profile of him in the late nineties, and one goal, he said, was to find out if Trump had an interior life. He concluded that not only did he lack such a thing, he had “aspired to and achieved the ultimate luxury, an existence unmolested by the rumblings of a soul.” And that’s what we see in this strange, crippled parasite, and you draw back from it in a kind of pious horror. Most humans have some ability to reach beyond themselves. They care for their children, or they practice a religion, they notice birds singing or Orion in the autumn sky. Something, something draws them out of themselves into a larger plane of existence.

But not Donald Trump. That thing inside most of us that keeps reaching outward for some way to transcend our solitary and finite existence, he hasn’t got that. He doesn’t understand it, can’t feel it. It’s no wonder he’s a leader of the reptile-brained nihilists.

Not much else to say about it. Get out the vote, sisters and brothers.


Ironically, he has actually given the family a gift. Their grief isn’t made worse by this behavior; it is true to form. If he had behaved in an appropriate way, they might have had to acknowledge his existence. This way they can ignore him.


Yet he is slavishly adored, admired and supported by tens of millions of your fellow citizens, legislators, business leaders, judges and clergy.

Oh, and lots and lots of self loathing women. Millions of them.


So former Marine General (what a disgrace to the corp) John Kelly chooses Trump over John McCain.

Hey Kelly: SITFU!


As John Weaver, a former aide to McCain and his longtime friend said, any tribute that Trump might attempt would mean less to McCain than a degree from Trump University.


One of the small, admittedly sadistic, pleasures I have been able to enjoy since Trump became President is the fact that his pettiness, small mindedness and constant sense of victimization (again, for all the braying about victimization against actual victims of stuff like gun violence and sexual abuse, it’s the Republicans who are always moaning about being victims) means he will never be able to enjoy or even grasp the fact that he is in probably the most powerful position in the world.


Fingers crossed that Cindy McCain will be the one to fill her husband’s Senate seat and continue to be a thorn in tRump’s side


“It’s a Drag your mom died!!!” He should have included a thumbs-up icon just to make the inappropriateness complete.

Plus to my ear at least “my sympathies” sounds weird. “My condolences” or “my sympathy” are the standard expressions. You could say “our sympathies” but it sounds odd to suggest that I alone have more than one sympathy. This awkwardness is just symptomatic of the fact that he has no empathy and no natural sense of how to actually relate to another person. So it’s like artificial intelligence when he tries to do it.


It’s widely reported McCain’s funeral wishes included instructions to exclude Trump. I hope those reports are true, and I hope the family honors them instead of buckling to any entreaties from people wanting them to be “diplomatic” and “forgiving” by asking Trump to attend.


No surprise there… today’s GOP is a joke

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I just don’t see how the “patriot” repubs who yell about loving and supporting the troops can sit by and think this is a good thing.


I’ll Take Insensitive,crass, vindictive , assholes for $500 Alex

Who puts exclamation points in condolences ?
Our hearts and prayers are with you!”
TRUMP …ding…ding…ding.


Yeah, he apparently thought the job meant being emperor and having unlimited, unquestioned power, as well as universal adulation (which his Evil Spawn also seem to have expected).

He appears to have forgotten all the criticism he unloaded on other presidents, most particularly on Obama.

The man is a cancer on the presidency. We need excision and chemotherapy to rid the WH of the rot.


Trump’s source for empathy and personal connection.


It’s true that John McCain is now more popular among Democrats than what passes for republicans these days, however, his popularity there is still not zero. This move will cost trump and the gopers another several thousand votes so there is no reason to get upset at dumbass being dumbass.

Please proceed, tuPOS.


Really? I mean if this administrations plans for the VA don’t phase them for a second I don’t see why only dropping the flag to half mast for a weekend would be the thing to get them to sit up and take action.