Discussion: Trump: Next VA Nominee Will Be 'Somebody Great,’ ‘With Political Capability’

If there’s one thing people in Montana won’t care about, it’s that Tester was against Jackson for VA head - yeah, that’s what’s cost so many politicians their seats in the past.

I’m sorry, but there needs to be a red tide of email to their republican ‘representatives’ ( term used loosely to describe elected officials presiding over those who can’t afford to bribe them) and regular republicans need to let them know that this traitor to American Ideals must be removed from office.


Okay, great, because the last nom was a piece of shit.

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Only the best and brightest, eh Donnie?


The good Doctor was peddling downers and uppers without prescriptions - I think it’s safe to say which he was giving Trump.


Trump: Next VA Nominee Will Be ‘Somebody Great,’ ‘With Political Capability’

Translation: “Who can I get to hide my real weight of 319?”


Holy shit he sounds even more over the edge in his call into fox news this morning than ever! Holy fucking shit!


well put Matt


“somebody great” with “political capability.”

  • and most likely does not know a damned thing about the operation of a massive medical / hospital system -

always remember that the Koch brothers hate the VA - are determined to seek privatization - their Concerned Veterans For America (CVA) - under the control of Koch bros - is the voice urging movement in this direction. Basically Koch bros view VA as socialized medicine - and dismantling the current VA and transitioning to a far more spartan privatized system is a high priority.

if Trump can’t find somebody capable of overseeing a conversion - he will find somebody to FUBAR the system to the max!


Well I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they are not fine with it, but they have reached a point where they will not publically admit they or the folks in their party are, or ever do anything wrong. They have gotten so used to lying about what and why they do stuff and just can’t admit to anything being wrong even thought they know good and well it is.

They really need to get over this and call an emergency meeting to remove Donald asap, and until they do get him away from any dangerous triggers or buttons.

He sounds like a complete fucking maniac in that call.


Old joke but always worth a rewrite.

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Rick Perry had a C average at Texas A&M while majoring in Animal Science. Many A&M Ag departments give a B for showing up and an A for what would be a C performance, and a C would be an F anywhere else. So to get a C average, he probably got his A’s and B’s for basically showing up in the classes in his major and lower grades in courses outside his major. So, Perry is probably not even a C student. However, he was a member of the Corps of Cadets and a cheerleader. He severely damaged higher education in Texas during his long stint as governor so, with this level of incompetence, he is probably high on Spanky’s list to head the VA. At least that would get him away from the nuclear weapons arsenal.


You’re describing Trump’s experience. The school was tonier but the deal’s the same. Rich kids pull strings to get in, skate by with gentleman’s C’s in a way that would be a huge problem if they intended to do anything in grad school, and now they’ve got a diploma that says Pennsylvaniensis on it. Yay!


And what is Macon saying about crazy Trump to his fellow European leaders.

How will Macon report to his fellow European leaders on crazy trump?


“Bon jour, Angela. You won’t believe what he said after we planted that tree…”


This really is a media failure. Not the way you’re thinking tho.

For so long the media has built up the President of the US as “the most powerful man in the world.” And people turn that into some button pushing dictator or King ruling the land with the wave of a pen or the pressing of a little red button.

What gets overlooked or discarded is that it’s a job, they’re NOT the CEO of America, they’re elected to manage the government for the American People. And with that comes lots of responsibilities, like picking underlings that are qualified to run their departments, and that are working for the American People in that capacity, not for themselves. Working for themselves is wrong, contraindicated for the job, and pretty much illegal. Hence the emoluments clause in our official job documents. Nominees get vetted for a reason, like any job interview. Are they qualified? Do they have the skills and temperament and experience? Are they working for us or are there conflicts of interest that would keep them from doing the job, which is for the benefit of the American People and not for the nominee?

That the GOP uses this immature infatuation as an excuse and cover to steal our Country and hand it over to the oligarchs and mob bosses makes them the most despicable and corrupt bunch of treasonous wankers since the Civil War Secessionists.

I would like for them to pay a price for their infamy.


If so it will be a first for this flailing fop…guess the Ronny thing was just a fun trial balloon…

I guess, the Candy Man Can’t.

This web site should help him…ha ha ha


denied all the allegations that have been lobbed against him in recent days.